QIA plans to release full IIBA text by Dec. 6
Qikiqtani Inuit Association also plans community tour to explain deal
If you are a beneficiary of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement living in the Baffin region, you’ll find out by Dec. 6 exactly what the Inuit impact and benefits agreement that Qikiqtani Inuit Association signed with Baffinland Iron Mines Corp. for the Mary River iron mine project contains.
The QIA has 90 days before it has to make public the full document, signed Sept. 6 in Iqaluit.
That’s according to Sec. 26.8.1 of the NLCA, which says “an IIBA shall take effect 30 days after its receipt by the Minister” and Sec. 25.6 of the IIBA which states “the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain confidential for up to 90 days after which each Party shall be free to disclose this Agreement to any Person,” cited in a Sept. 11 news release from the QIA.
The release said the “QIA therefore commits to providing a public copy of the IIBA on or before December 6, 2013.”
To date, the QIA has prepared, released and posted to its website an open letter to beneficiaries, a project background document and an “initial draft [IIBA] plain language guide.”
The QIA said it also plans to visit “impacted communities” to present the IIBA and its contents to beneficiaries.
The dates of these visits will be made public “once logistics are finalized,” the QIA said
Finally, the QIA said it will discuss the IIBA, its contents and initial implementation plans later with the media.
In the meantime, the QIA or Baffinland can tell its advisors about the contents of the IIBA and disclose them, as required, during administrative, regulatory or court proceedings.
The QIA may provide beneficiaries represented by QIA with “general information and a summary of this IIBA in sufficient detail as to understand the anticipated impacts and benefits of the project to Inuit.”
COMMENTS on Nunatsiaq Online
#1. Posted by snapshot on September 13, 2013
im happy for this. Step in or step aside.
#2. Posted by concern inuk on September 13, 2013
QIA representative better do most of the talking when you do community consultation. Our representative never talks to community members and I find him to be bully when it comes to meeting and trying to set up management partners. I don’t think he wants QIA or HTO to work with Government or community members. He is going other way.