Pond Inlet | Mittimatalik | ᒥᑦᑎᒪᑕᓕᒃ


Pond Inlet is a Low Bandwidth High Cost internet community. Internet service is 150 times behind southern Canada in cost-per-MB. To overcome this handicap DID installs local server Mediaplayers to deliver high speed media to slow speed users, and broadcasts our internet films and videos to home TV.

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Community Uploads

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  • 2m 14s

    Pond Inlet, a day in between Bylot Island and Mont Herodier

    uploaded by: Guy Laflamme

    channel: Arctic Wind Riders

    Today, in sunny but -45o, with snow mobile and komatik and Niko twin dogteam sleed, we go wind-seeking 40km Est of Pond Inlet to find the wind in the narrower channel between Bylot Island just after Mont Herodier. Niko Inuarak and his brother Daniel are quicly getting familiar with the kites with the help of Eepa Qappik and Alex Killabuk both from Pangnirtung.



    uploaded date: 19-11-2010

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