Christmas greetings

  • 24m 26s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program: Qaqqiq

    Producer: Iqaluit Inuit Broadcasting, Nunavut
    Host: Maggie Akittiq

    Segment 1: Alacie Joamie recalls Christmas time when she was young. The community had games, feasts and also exchanged gifts. People traded with each other for clothing and tools.

    Segment 2: Christmas greetings to friends and relatives.


    uploaded date: 04-01-2019

  • 28m 50s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Program: Qaggiq (“Gathering Place”) – is a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).

    Producer: Iqaluit Inuit Broadcasting, Nunavut

    Host: Judy Lee
    Segment 1: People convey Christmas greetings to friends and family from Rankin Inlet and Iqaluit, Nunavut.


    uploaded date: 04-01-2019

  • 27m 47s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program: Qaujisaut (To See, To Find Out): This program was mainly directed toward Inuit youth, facing hard choices - caught between two cultures. It is entertaining, fast and fun. Up and coming young musical talent was promoted on Qaujisaut. Qaujisaut taught young people important life skills as well as touching on timely health issues and covering stories important to youth.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 08-03-2018

  • 6m 57s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Qimaivvik

Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.   

    Producer: Igloolik - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation


    uploaded date: 08-02-2018

  • 12m 32s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Qaggiq

Qaggiq (Gathering Place) was a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).

Producer: Iqaluit - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. staff convey their Christmas greetings to friends, relatives and the public.


    uploaded date: 08-02-2018

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Takuyaksat

    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing and legends.

    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
Host: Simian Mikinguaq

    Segment 1: In 1991, the people of Baker Lake extend Christmas and New Year's greetings.


    uploaded date: 03-02-2018

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Takuyaksat 

    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.

    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: Elders from Baker Lake, give their Christmas greetings from the senior’s home.


    uploaded date: 03-02-2018

  • 30m 5s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Noah Tiktaq
    Segment 1: A variety of people take the microphone to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 28-02-2016