language arts

  • My First Polar Bear Lesson (Nanugiurutiga)

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    channel: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

    Prior to watching Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), students will review the significance of hunting in the Inuit culture. Students will also complete a KWL Chart about polar bears, filling in teacher provided facts about this Arctic animal. Students will discuss the two threats to the survival of the polar bear: hunting and global warming.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 15-06-2009

  • Dog Team Lesson (Qimuksik)

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    channel: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

    Prior to watching Qimuksik (Dog Team), students will complete a KWL Chart and will learn general information about Nunavut and the Inuit. Following the film, students will revisit their chart, adding any information they learned during the lesson. Students will then reflect on the film and illustrate a scene that they recall, complete with a brief description.


    uploaded date: 15-06-2009

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