Inuktituuliqtauvalliajut suli. Inukitut syllabics translation of this site is a work in progress.

Youth Making Change

Youth Perspectives on Social / Environmental Justice(video)

The National Inuit Youth Council
The National Inuit Youth Council meets in Ottawa March, 2009. Among other issues and concerns discussed, the NIYC members talk about the history and legacy of Canadian Residential Schools. This video is based on their discussions, as a starting point for Inuit youth to explore issues related to culture and language and healing from the legacy of residential schools.



Attawapiskat Youth Forum
Attawapiskat Youth Forum – November 26, 2008 – Highlights – Shannen Koostachin speaks during a news conference.Shannon used video and youtube to speak out against poor schools in the north.



Peer Perspectives:Expressions of Aboriginal Youth-Part 1
from Access to Media Education Society



Peer Perspectives:Expressions of Aboriginal Youth-Part 2
from Access to Media Education Society



Peer Perspectives:Expressions of Aboriginal Youth-Part 3
from Access to Media Education Society



Racism for Reel:Media for Change, Part 1



Anti-Violence Project for and by Native youth



Stop the Violence-Family Violence, Part 4



Youthmade:I am here
from Access to Media Education Society



Youthmade:The Canvas
from Access to Media Education Society



Youthmade: Aboriginal Matters (Excerpt)
from Access to Media Education Society



Youthmade: Keep It Real
from Access to Media Education Society



Trista’s Dance (by ReelYouth)



Residential Truth: Unified Future (by Reel Youth)



‘Sacred Dollars’ (Documentary by Aurora Finkle)
Archived stories of kids making a difference in the lives of others from Oprah’s Angels series

Canadian Youth Climate Coalition-The Canadian Youth Climate Coalition is a united front of youth from across Canada tackling the biggest challenge of our generation, the emerging climate crisis.
Youth Guide to action on climate change
They have a really extensive links page to support youth in taking democratic action.
T4PE is a social networking site for teens who want to protect our planet. Choose a project, connect with others, and make a difference.
Ashoka Youth Venture’s vision is a world of everyone a changemaker through a global culture of young people initiating positive, lasting change. Imagine what a difference it would make in the strength of our society and in our lasting impact on the world if millions more people gave themselves permission to be changemakers.
GenV Campaigns is the online hub for Ashoka Youth Venture’s global campaigns. Ashoka supports youth in taking action to address global challenges by launching lasting social ventures. Through its campaigns, Ashoka offer young changemakers: mentorship, seed funding, media opportunities, fellowship and networking events, prizes and awards
Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program is a youth action program and global network of young people working for positive change in their communities and beyond. Roots & Shoots is proud to welcome First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth to the initiative to create new and inspiring projects for their communities and elsewhere! Projects include Storytellers Documentary Initiatives, Grants, and Exchange programs. Speak Up for Change is a program of ACCESS Charity that provides youth and organizations the opportunity to write about topics such as poverty, education, youth activism, social justice, and current events. Run in the format of a blog, contributors are encouraged to
submit articles about a specific topic, which are then published on the site. The program provides students and organizations with online exposure as well as a chance to build their writing experience
You are really living proof that one person, and it really doesn’t matter how old you are, can really make a difference," Oprah Winfrey on Ryan (Oprah Winfrey Show, 2001)
The Ryan’s Well Foundation grew from the commitment of one boy, Ryan Hreljac, who learned of the great need for clean and safe water in developing countries in his 1st grade class. With the support of friends, family and the community, Ryan raised enough money to build a well in Africa. In 1999, at age seven, Ryan’s first well was built at Angolo Primary School in northern Uganda. To this day, the well continues to serve the community.
Although Ryan started raising money for water projects in 1998, the Foundation was not formed until 2001. Since then, Ryan’s Well has helped build over 680 wells and 820 latrines bringing safe water and improved sanitation to over 723,000 people.
Free The Children believes in a world where all young people are free to achieve their fullest potential as agents of change. We are a charity and educational partner that empowers youth to remove barriers that prevent them from being active local and global citizens.

Social Media and Youth Activism

A Selection of Information and opinions regarding “The Arab Spring"
What is Arab Spring?

Examples of social media that changes lives
Youth and the use of social media in Nigerian elections">
Immigration activists in the US fighting deportation with social media

Cultural Exchanges and Outdoor Leadership Programs
Canada World Youth is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing dynamic youth, ages 15–25, with an opportunity to learn about other communities, cultures and people while developing leadership and communications skills.
Aboriginal Youth Empowering Students
AYES is a unique cultural program aimed at providing Canadian Aboriginal Youth the opportunity to empower impoverished Central American children through education. The program’s basic goal is to initiate a cycle of hope in young aboriginal Canadians which will extend to their home communities, schools and the children they support.
Northern Youth Abroad
Our program enables youth aged 15 to 22 living in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories to acquire professional skills and training, hands on work experience, and high school credits through a cross cultural work and learning experience in southern Canada and abroad.
Students on Ice Expeditions
The mission of the Arctic Youth Leadership Program is to empower youth through challenging them to discover and embrace their full potential, and support them as they develop the skills they need to achieve it. An outdoor expedition program.