Inuktituuliqtauvalliajut suli. Inukitut syllabics translation of this site is a work in progress.

Creative Explorations

Online Journals for Youth is the Internet component of a resource billing itself as a “magazine written for teens, by teens." The site compliments a monthly print magazine and a book series designed to offer teens advice about various topics.

The Tattoo
Begun in 1994 with a small group of teen writers in Bristol, Connecticut, The Tattoo has grown into a widely respected online teen newspaper with writers from around the world. The site is filled with articles on every topic of interest to teenagers. A great window into the adolescent world and worldview.

We are a collective of Native youth creating uncensored spaces for youth to find their own voice. All of our media projects are initiated and led by youth, inspiring creativity, confidence, motivation and action.

The Tyee
A series of articles reflecting the experiences of First Nations Youth

The Canadian Aboriginal Writing and Arts Challenge

Teens Now Talk
This is an Atlanitc Canadian Magazine, but it has writing by youth, and is youth positive


Teenaged Radio Diaries
Hear firsthand about life as a teen from the group of teens National Public Radio sent around the country for a year to interview family and friends, keep an audio journal, and record the sounds of daily life.
Includes links to the Teen reporter handbook on site which is a very good resource.

Sound Portraits

Canadian Voices
Through a series of one-hour audio programmes, Canadian Voices presents radio, internet, and podcast listeners the opportunity to hear talks by Canadian authors, academics, activists, artists, and thought-provoking citizens who explore ideas and events that characterize our country. Topics range from cultural diversity, climate change, urban planning and media analysis, to politics, art, education, and literature.

Visual Art/Photography/Video

Street art images

See the Youth Media Photography Guide at the Innusivut site (look under health).

Interactive Visual Art that you can make online

Great Northern Arts Festival

Hip Hop in Aboriginal cultures
This site focuses on the development of hip hop culture within Aboriginal youth communities and its influence on cultural production- music and visual art.
See also: the online journal of Beat Nations activities

How to Make Stop Motion Animations

How to Make Videos

How To Make a Youtube Video

How to Upload A Video to Facebook

Filmmaking for Beginners
The National Film Board of Canada

Performance and Music

Artcirq The Film
Artcirq - circus, performance, social action and video
In November 2009, thirty Inuit youth from across Nunavut and the Northwest Territories participated in an acting & cultural arts workshop.

Leadership through HipHop- Blueprint for Life

Beat Nation
This site focuses on the development of hip hop culture within Aboriginal youth communities and its influence on cultural production- music and visual art.
See also: ,the online journal of Beat Nations activities

Tumivut, the direct translation to english means “our footsteps" and is the name of a musical project marrying traditional inuit throatsinging with multiple contemporary styles of music.
an article about the group Tumivut from the Nunatsiaq News

Aboriginal Peoples Choice
Site has samples of award winning music- search for Inuit will bring up Inuit artists specifically

“Hišuk?iš ćawaak (Everything is One)"

“My Environments" by Dallas Lightning

Don’t Call Me Eskimo (profile)

Don’t Call Me Eskimo (music video)

Inuit Throat Singing: Kathy Keknek and Janet Aglukkaq (long)

Aurora Finkle Interviewed by WIGUP

Arviat – George Sewoee Rap.m4v

Takuta- Inuit Rap