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  • Indian Summer Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    Indian Summer Festival is the brainchild of Butch Roberts, a Milwaukee Police Officer. In 1985, his dream was to have an American Indian Festival to add to the other ethnic festivals that were being held on the Summerfest grounds, Henry Maier Festival Park. Roberts recruited the Warren and DeNomie families to organize the event.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Hot Docs

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America's largest documentary festival, conference and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of more than 150 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Filmfest DC

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    25,000 people flocked to our screens to make Filmfest DC 2008 the largest film festival in Washington DC. In 2009 we are celebrating our 23rd year of bringing the best of world cinema and American independent film to the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The Festival will run from April 16th through 26th, 2009.


    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • 31st CineFestival en San Antonio

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    “As we remember our rich past and become creators of our present, we look to the film and video artist to express our deepest aspirations and our vision of a new society founded on justice, truth and the spirit of sisterly and brotherly love.” - Adan Medrano, Director 2nd Annual CineFestival. CineFestival has evolved.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Chicago Latino Film Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    The International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago (ILCC) is a Pan-Latino, nonprofit multidisciplinary arts organization dedicated to developing, promoting and increasing awareness of Latino cultures among Latinos and other communities by presenting a wide variety of art forms and education including film, music, dance, visual arts, comedy and theater.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Festival de Cannes

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    To submit a film, you need to:

    1. Comply with the Preselection Conditions
    2. Fill out the online Entry Form
    3. Send in your film to the address indicated at the bottom of the Entry Form
    4. If your film is selected, you'll have to comply with the Rules and Regulations

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Festival de Cannes

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    The Festival de Cannes is the most important film event in the world, with more than 4,000 journalists among the 30,000 accreditees, representing the entire spectrum of the motion-picture industry.

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Berlinale

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    The Berlin International Film Festival sees itself as a showcase for what is happening in cinema, but also as an actor and propagator on the international film circuit.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • 34m 52s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    A youth oriented reflexion through video and interviews about the situation of 2 natives worlds, in 2 opposite geographic context, the Peruvian Amazonia and the Canadian high Arctic. Contrast and similitude...

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: artcirq


    uploaded date: 13-12-2007

  • 2m 44s

    Fibonacci laboratory

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Artcirq (Igloolik), Les 7 Doigts de la main (Montreal), and Cirko de Mente (Mexico) working together for the first time in october 2007, Monterrey, Mexico.This is just the beginning... Follow "Fibonacci project 2008"

    Filmmaker: Solomon Uyarasuk

    Filmmaker Contact:



    uploaded date: 11-12-2007

  • 45m 7s

    Issaittuq (Waterproof)

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This is a story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house. Because of his violent act his been sentenced to go to an outpost camp for two months, a camp where a hunter is waiting for him.


    uploaded date: 01-12-2007

  • 6m 34s

    Maana (Now)

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Our Lands

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq


    uploaded date: 01-11-2007

  • 10m 41s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This is the first music video clip ever made in Igloolik, with the band "Eskiez", a very nice inspiration for all other musicians in town!! Other music video clips are on the way.

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin and Derek Aqqiaquq

    Filmmaker Contact:



    uploaded date: 01-11-2007

  • 46m 22s

    Unakuluk (Dear Little One)

    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau

    channel: Arnait Video Productions

    Rooted in tradition, adoption is a reality that all Inuit families have experienced. In Inuit culture, adopting a child from a relative, friend or acquaintance is a common practice. Marie-Hélène Cousineau, the adoptive mother of Alexandre Apak, lived in Igloolik, a small island southwest of Baffin Island in the Arctic, for many years.


    uploaded date: 24-10-2007

  • 4m 35s

    Short Skit of Artcirq

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This video is part of a series of other documentaries around a youth Inuit group, Artcirq, who are trying to express their reality and identity in modern days.

    Filmmaker: Natar Ungalaq

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Visit our website

    Producer's Name: Natar Ungalaq


    uploaded date: 22-10-2007

  • 53m 45s


    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau

    channel: Arnait Video Productions

    A documentary from Arnait Video Productions (Women's Video Collective of Igloolik). Abandoned by her father, a White RCMP officer, Vivi Kunuk was adopted by the Inuk family of her mother who raised her as a boy. This is but one remarkable chapter in her life.


    uploaded date: 21-10-2007