Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
NITV: Tuktu Series, Episode 7,The Ten Thousand Fishes (14 mins), Iqaluktuutiaq CommunityTV, National Film Board. English Voice-over.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.