

wayuu's picture
David Alberto Hernández Palmar Wayuu, member of the IIPUANA clan of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Hernández Palmar, has held the positions of photographer, videographer, curator, and writer. He studied photography at the Julio Vengoechea Photography School and is working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communications from Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín. He is currently a member of the Advisory Board of Peruvine/Perudigital, a Digital Ethnography Project through the University of Central Florida and the International Society of Ethnobiology (New York, USA). He works as a free-lance photographer and as a journalist for several magazines and newspapers, including Wayuunaiki. Has exhibited works in numerous photography openings. In 2005, the South American Art Company that Hernandez Palmar co-founded with his cousin, was one of six winners (of 2000 candidates) of the IDEAS award. IDEAS recognized SAAC's innovative program adapting indigenous art forms to fufill Western function. In 2008 he co-directed the documentary film "Owners of the Water", a collaborative film project with Xavante from central Brazil and a U.S. anthropologist. Was in charge of the general production of Indigenous Film Festival of Venezuela with Fundación Cinemateca Nacional (2008) and of the projection of Heima, a documentary about Sigur Rös a band from Iceland, produced by Emi Music of London, collaborating with three official presentations in Venezuela. He has been curator and programmer of: Film Series of Indigenous Peoples “Indigenous Education: Innovative Experiences.”, at the UN’s Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples under the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland (2009); with the Indigenous Film Festival in at the Tenth Edition of the National Short Film Festival Manuel Trujillo Duran in Venezuela, Venezuela Indigenous Film Festival, Native Peoples and Afro-Latin Americans 2010 of the “Meeting of Indigenous Peoples, Native Peoples and Afro Descendants of Latin America and the Caribbean” Mexico City.See more


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  • 18m 37s

    Indigenous Women and other forms of wisdom (ENGLISH VERSION)

    uploaded by: wayuu

    channel: Wayuu


    Indigenous Women and other forms of wisdom (ENGLISH VERSION)




    uploaded date: 19-03-2011

  • 24m 26s

    "Mujeres Indígenas y otras formas de sabiduría" PRO169 DNUDPI

    uploaded by: wayuu

    channel: Wayuu

    Synopsis:Mujeres Indígenas y otras formas de sabiduría. Apuesta de formación de las mujeres wayuu sobre derechos de los pueblos indígenas. Convenio 169 de loa OIT y DNUDPI

    Filmmaker:David Hernández Palmar/Miguel Iván Ramírez Boscán


    Producer:Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu

    Year of Production:2010


    uploaded date: 17-07-2010

  • Wayuu

    uploaded by: wayuu

    uploaded date: 14-07-2010

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