5m 31s ep.28 L’homme aux cheveux longs uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation channel: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.21 ISIGALIGARSSIK: L’homme sans épouse uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation channel: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.11 ANARTEQ: L’homme qui devint un poisson uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation channel: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.08 La petite orpheline uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation channel: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
8m 59s Family feasting on troute uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez channel: Fishing Editor: Aaron Kunuk… Uqalimakkanirit
1m 38s Hunters Share with the Community uploaded by: clairelittoncohn channel: Community Camera: Richard AmarualikEditing: Maia Iotzova… Uqalimakkanirit
15s Excitement to Participate in Whale Hunt (IN) uploaded by: clairelittoncohn channel: The Women's Way Still Images: Jan Kraus Editing: Maia Iotzova Interviewee: Michelline Ammaq… Uqalimakkanirit
45s Excitement to Participate in Whale Hunt (EN) uploaded by: clairelittoncohn channel: Bowhead Whale Still Images: Jan Kraus Editing: Maia Iotzova Interviewee: Michelline Ammaq… Uqalimakkanirit
46s Oliver Future Hunter uploaded by: AHadmin channel: The Women's Way Camera: David PoiseyEditing: Maia Iotzova Interviewee: Michelline Ammaq … Uqalimakkanirit
1m 48s How did the community use the whale? (IN) uploaded by: AHadmin channel: After the Hunt Camera: David Poisey Editing: Maia Iotzova… Uqalimakkanirit
1m 30s Significance of Hunt to the Community (IN) uploaded by: AHadmin channel: Community Camera: David Poisey Editing: Maia Iotzova Interviewee: Michelline Ammaq… Uqalimakkanirit
1m 51s Significance of Hunt to the Community (EN) uploaded by: AHadmin channel: Community Camera: David Poisey Editing: Maia Iotzova Interviewee: Michelline Ammaq… Uqalimakkanirit
24m 1s Celebrating Babies with Arviat's Elders and Women uploaded by: ARVIATTV channel: Arviat Television In Celebrating Babies with Arviat's Elders and Women, Inuit Elders and women share advice and traditional knowledge about the importance of raising healthy children. Produced by the Arviat Wellness Media Team.… Uqalimakkanirit