ARTCO uploaded by: David Ertel <?php echo t('ARTCO "Artisans of Today\'s Communities" is a project led by Kingulliit Productions and IsumaTV where Inuit and Cree children use new media tools to explore their past and present realities, practice collective action and create a better future.') ?>… Leer más
About ARTCO uploaded by: David Ertel Brief Inuit and Cree children use new media tools through a multidisciplinary artistic process to explore their past and present realities, connect with others, practice collective action and create a better future.… Leer más
The Community uploaded by: John Hodgins About the CommunityThe community has four names Kuujjuarapik (small great river in Inuktitut), Whapmagoostui (place of the beluga in Cree), Poste-de-la-Baleine (in French), and Great Whale River (in English).… Leer más
message to Glen uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez canal: ARTCO Glen, can we use your picture to make some ARTCO t-shirts and DVD's for you guys? … Leer más