Education uploaded by: IsumaTV Learning tools to teach and enhance your own language and culture. Learning tools to teach about other cultures in a multicultural world. … Leer más
Thank you uploaded by: John Hodgins canal: DIAMA 2008-2009 A project by Isuma produced with the financial participation of: … Leer más
20m 52s Rachel Uyarasuk on police and priests coming to the arctic pt.4 uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: NITV Nunatinni Igloolik Community-TV 1995-2007 Paul Qulitalik interviewing Alain Iyerak about police and priests coming to the arctic Producer's Name: NITV Country: Canada… Leer más
20m 32s Noah Ammaq about police and priests coming to the arctic pt.1 uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: NITV Nunatinni Igloolik Community-TV 1995-2007 Paul Qulitalik interviewing Noah Ammaq about police and priests coming to the arctic Producer's Name: NITV Country: Canada… Leer más