
  • V.O.C.E.S.intag

    uploaded by: V.O.C.E.S.intag

    Video Organizaciones Comunitarias y Expresión Social

    Grupo de producción audiovisual del Valle del Intag en Ecuador

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    uploaded date: 11-11-2010

  • 1h 1m 8s

    Enlace Radial x CORAPE sobre Censo 2010

    uploaded by: ecuachaski

    canal: ecuachaski

    Enlace Radial por CORAPE

    Fecha: miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010
    Hora: 19h a 20h (7 pm a 8 pm)
    Duración: 1 hora
    Conducción: Ángel Criollo y Lucila Lema

    Mesa redonda

    Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010 (28 nov a 5 dic=rural)
    • Leyes en Asamblea Nacional

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    uploaded date: 21-10-2010

  • 26m 55s

    In the open sky Part 2

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

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    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 29m

    In the open sky Part 4

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

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    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 26m 25s

    In the open sky Part 1

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

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    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 25m 18s

    In the open sky Part 3

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

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    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 18m 33s

    Toxico Texaco Toxico 1

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    El Chernobyl amazónico, como han calificado muchos expertos a la huella de Texaco en la Amazonia Norte del Ecuador, se mantiene latente en la tierra y sus entrañas, en el alma de los yayas.

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    uploaded date: 16-10-2010

  • 16m 20s

    Toxico Texaco Toxico 2

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    El Chernobyl amazónico, como han calificado muchos expertos a la huella de Texaco en la Amazonia Norte del Ecuador, se mantiene latente en la tierra y sus entrañas, en el alma de los yayas.

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    uploaded date: 16-10-2010

  • Pocho Alvarez

    uploaded by: pocho

    Born in 1953, in Ecuador, Pocho Alvarez W. is a cinematographer, director, photographer, writer and editor. For 30 years now he has been making films about political, cultural, environmental and social issues in Ecuador and other South American, European and Asian.

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    uploaded date: 16-10-2010