Gabriela Gamez


Imagen de Gabriela Gamez
Since 2006 I have been working as part of the Isuma collective with indigenous children, artists and media makers in the Canadian Arctic and Latin America, exploring new solutions using video, art and new media technologies as tools for social transformation. I am currently working with John and Ruben on a project called Time Machine, a project to Inuit make comic stories using iPods or mobiles. In 2011, with the help and guidance of a group of inspiring people, I designed ARTCO as a project to experiment ways in which we can explore and practice the power, the benefit, and the creative energy of collective action. The questions behind ARTCO were: How can children and youth use new media to share experience, resolve common problems and find new ways to communicate across old barriers? and What is the “tool-kit” they need to be active participants in the reality they live in? Under the direction of Norman Cohn, I was responsible of the design and concept creation of a collaborative multimedia platform for indigenous filmmakers and media organizations, where each user can design their own space, or channel, to reflect their own identity, mandate and audience. Within Isuma I was also project manager of the web platform of Digital Indigenous Democracy (DID); DIAMA, a project for digitizing the Inuit and Aboriginal media archive; and, the Indigenous Film Network project for community film distribution. I was born in Mexico City and have lived in Montreal, Canada since 2006. I studied Sociology and Political Science. In Mexico I worked as a consultant for UNESCO and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Mexican Department for Education (SEP) and the Mexican Department for Social Development (SEDESOL). I love being with my friends and family, yoga, walking, running, listening to music and I'm getting back to playing piano. Oh! and I love coffee!See more


  • 7m 58s

    G_uud Yuwans (Willie Russ)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    ‘I was born and raised in Skidegate’

    ‘I actually submitted a 50-pages story that I’ve written a long time ago. And that was too long and they wanted me to write something else but I didn’t get a chance to write anything else.’

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    uploaded date: 12-06-2018

  • 16m 14s

    GwaaG_anad (Diane Brown)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    "What would we do if we couldn't speak Haida and we couldn't talk to our ancestors? That would be the scariest thing. But that will not happen now, I believe whole heartedly with the film and the 12 women that are going to be teachers."

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • 12m 38s

    K_uun Jaad (Adeana Young) and Brandon Kallio

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    “I was mostly intrigued by the Haida language. Being in front of the camera wasn’t so much the big push. It was the language part and the fact that it was all going to be done in Haida language.” K_uun Jaad

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • 5m 21s

    Guustlaas (Trey Rorick)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    "I thought it would be a really good experience learning how to speak X̱aaydaa Kil [Haida] and I thought it would be fun"

    "It's so culturally involved and an inspiration for other Nations to do it."

    "I think most people here would probably watch it by private showings."

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • 6m 59s

    Oot Iiwaans (Leo Gagnon)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    "The language was easy; it was remembering that was the hard part"

    "I'm a carver and I make carving tools for local carvers"

    "I do a lot of weaving, a lot of hunting and fishing"

    "This [knife] if similar to what was used on the film. Made by me."

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • 11m 32s

    SG_aan Kwah Agang (James McGuire)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    “Of course I’m interested in any kind of thing that pushes Haida culture into the new centuries.”

    “[Atanarjuat] portraits real authentic story from the Nations it was from. It kind of gives you an idea about of how you can represent your culture on the screen.”

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • 7m 42s

    Sgaamsgid (Harold Williams)

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: Language

    Interview with Dana Moraes and Graham Richard

    'My english name is Harold Williams. My Haida name Sgaamsgid means big eyes in Haida.'

    'We are learning all the Haida words for the movie.'

    'My kids were so happy I was going in the movies. I didn't want to disappoint them.'

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 07-06-2018

  • About ARTCO

    uploaded by: David Ertel


    Inuit and Cree children use new media tools through a multidisciplinary artistic process to explore their past and present realities, connect with others, practice collective action and create a better future.

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 10-12-2012

  • Distribution

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    These urls are direct links to 1080p h264 files for Isuma Productions. They can be copied (right-click and select "Copy Link Location") and pasted and emailed directly to authorized clients. These urls are specially encoded and stop working after 24 hours from the time you loaded this page.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 27-01-2010

  • Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change

    uploaded by: Ian Mauro

    About the film

    Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change had its world premiere October 23, 2010, at the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival in Toronto. The complete film also streamed online simultaneously watched by more than 1500 viewers around the world. Following the film, a Q&A with filmmakers Zacharias Kunuk and Dr.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 29-04-2009

  • Old Massett Television

    uploaded by: Haida

    Local server Media Players broadcast films from IsumaTV’s website to home viewers 24/7 by local TV. Call or Facebook your Station Manager to comment or add any film or video you want to watch. Contact

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    uploaded date: 24-04-2014

  • Our Baffinland Atlas

    uploaded by: Ian Mauro


    The Arctic is warming double the global average, decreasing sea ice, making it easier to access and extract mineral and oil resources from the region, and this cumulative climatic and economic change has significant human and environmental health implications for Inuit and their communities.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 12-09-2013

  • The Fast Runner Trilogy

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    Three unique Inuit films expressing the dramatic history of one of the world’s oldest oral cultures from it’s own point of view.
    “A masterpiece... The first national cinema of the 21st century.” – A.O. Scott, NY Times review of Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, 2002.

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 23-10-2009

  • UNU

    uploaded by: UNUChannel

    Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change videobriefs series. A series of short UNU videobriefs exploring climate change and its impacts from the perspectives of Indigenous community members in Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

    Available for summit viewing:
    Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change videobriefs series
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    uploaded date: 21-04-2009