My Father's Land website

See also:  DID Digital Indigenous Democracy.

ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Louie Uttak NIRB Community Roundtable, July 23, 2012, Igloolik, 5:58 Inuktitut; Inuktitut and English Versions of other community comments and Formal Intervention July 23, 2012 by Zacharias Kunuk and Lloyd Lipsett. Read complete Kunuk-Lipsett English Written Submission.

See What's New? below for all video and radio uploaded to My Father's Land including live online radio streaming of NIRB Public Hearings in Igloolik and Iqaluit and more call-in radio shows and video interviews with Inuit Elders and Youth talking about the impacts of mining around Baffin Island on Inuit and wildlife.

Scroll all pages below or click ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Inuktitut Voice to select any individual video or audio file of your choice.

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More about Digital Indigenous Democracy

Online Call-in RADIO

See also:  DID Digital Indigenous Democracy.

ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Louie Uttak NIRB Community Roundtable, July 23, 2012, Igloolik, 5:58 Inuktitut; Inuktitut and English Versions of other community comments and Formal Intervention July 23, 2012 by Zacharias Kunuk and Lloyd Lipsett. Read complete Kunuk-Lipsett English Written Submission.

See What's New? below for all video and radio uploaded to My Father's Land including live online radio streaming of NIRB Public Hearings in Igloolik and Iqaluit and more call-in radio shows and video interviews with Inuit Elders and Youth talking about the impacts of mining around Baffin Island on Inuit and wildlife.

Scroll all pages below or click ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Inuktitut Voice to select any individual video or audio file of your choice.

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More about Digital Indigenous Democracy

Online Call-in RADIO

What's New?
Lien vers: Baffinland Insider Trading Case Opens at Ontario Securities Commission, January 14, 2013
OSC says Jowdat Waheed used confidential information to ‘unfair advantage’ in hostile Baffinland bid By Barbara Shecter, Financial Post January 14, 2013 Jowdat Waheed used confidential information he obtained as a consultant to “unfair advantage” by launching a hostile bid for Baffinland Iron Mines Corp., a lawyer for the Ontario Securities Commission said Monday as a...
Lien vers: Interview with Arsene Ivalu, 3:49 Show Me on the Map ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ
Arsene Ivalu: "I completely disagree because it will affect me, my culture and everything else around, ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ " 3:49 Inuktitut by Arnait Video Productions, Show Me on the Map, 2009. Click on more info to get the English transcription. "I disagree with the pathway the company wants to use. It is not that I am against mining. This pathway, I really disagree with. When there...
Lien vers: ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Natalino Caught a Bear, 9:13 iPod video by Zacharias Kunuk
ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ The day Natalino caught a bear at Igloolik point, 9:13 Inuktitut, Thursday morning, December 15, 2011, shot with an iPod by Zacharias Kunuk, editor Carol Kunnuk.This video has been "age-restricted" on YouTube. But is available here for all to see! 
Lien vers: Circumpolar Inuit to Global Leaders in Durban: Don’t Abandon Kyoto
Circumpolar Inuit to Global Leaders in Durban: Don’t Abandon Kyoto 06 December, 2011 – Ottawa, Canada – The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), representing Inuit from Greenland, Canada, Alaska, and Chukotka, Russia, released a document today addressed to global leaders assembled for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meetings in Durban. The Inuit...
Lien vers: ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ  - Show Me on the Map - Interview with Atuat Akkirtiq
ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Atuat Akkirtiq shares her views on mining in this interview recorded for the program Show Me on the Map.   "If the people consult us, they should be true to their word." "In Nanisivik, (mining town, north of Arctic Bay) when they started to build the houses and the town, they were looking for Inuit workers and they asked us for our opinions on the mine. We were...
Lien vers: Indigenous Film Conference
Panel Discussion from the Indigenous Film Conference October 27-29, 2011 webcast LIVE on IsumaTV from Kauokeino, Norway. NOTE: Action in this video STARTS at 2:20 minutes into the clip.Hosted by the International Sami Film Centre. 
Lien vers: Sheila Watt-Cloutier LIVE webcast Nov 29 at 7PM (Atlantic)
held on

Lien vers: Indigenous Film Conference archive
Digital Indigenous Democracy and International Sami Film Centre collaborated on IsumaTV's live webcast of the Indigenous Film Conference from Kautokeino, Norway, October 26-30, 2011. Live webcasts now are archived at:
Lien vers: Digital Indigenous Democracy APPROVED
Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream approved a $1 million investment in IsumaTV's newest initiative, Digital Indigenous Democracy, for 2011-12. For more information, see attached files.
Lien vers: Sami Film Center news
International Sami Film Center announces a brand new program for projects, Please spread this information, through your website and network. We hope that your collagues will apply.For more info, http://indigenousfilmcircle.com contact: Åsa Simma
Lien vers: World Summit Youth Award
The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) is an international competition for youth-led projects that encourage the active participation of young people under 30 years of age in the emerging information society. It is intended to be a global 'youth for youth' initiative for selecting and promoting best practice in e-content and technological creativity, demonstrating young people's potential to create...
Lien vers: First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) Report
The First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) is a national consortium emerging as an outcome of the collaborative process leading to the First Mile report (Putting the Last-mile First). Although founded by and originally focused on First Mile solutions for First Nations communities in remote and rural Canada, the FMCC welcomes members from anywhere who share its goals and principles. FMCC’...
Lien vers: Show Me on the Map ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ - Madeline Ivalu
Madeline Ivalu speaks about mining in an interview filmed for the program Show Me on the Map ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ  "It seems that in the past our land was deemed too inhospitable; lack of vegetation, trees, too cold. Now that there are minerals to be extracted, one could think that there is a systematic plan in place. The plan consists of destroying the environment, the wildlife, therefore the...
Lien vers: Interview with Dominique Angutimariq, Show Me on the Map ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ
Interview with Dominique Angutimariq, Show Me on the Map ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ  "...we have to fight so hard for our rights when often things are already decided for us." Arnait Video, Show Me on the Map, 2009. Click on more for the transcription. “We are always looking for ways to have a better life. Our children today are really adapted to the modern life they are living in."...
Lien vers: NITV on IsumaTV 3.0 2011-12 - refused and NOW APPROVED
In August, the Government of Nunavut Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth (CLEY) overruled its previous refusal and now approved the original funding proposal for NITV on IsumaTV 3.0, NITV's 2011-12 proposal to expand the network of IsumaTV High-speed MediaPlayers to a total of 8 Baffin Island communities: Igloolik, Pangnirtuq and Iqaluit, started in 2010-11, and...
Lien vers: Before Tomorrow wins Golden Drum at NIIFF 2011
Before Tomorrow, co-directed by Marie-Helene Cousineau and Madeline Ivalu, won the Golden Drum award at the 2011 Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival in Kathmandu. Before Tomorrow is the third Inuit feature film in The Fast Runner Trilogy produced by Igloolik Isuma Productions. See Nepal's Indigenous Film Archive on Isuma TV; see Before Tomorrow on VOD. 

About My Father’s Land
By Zacharias Kunuk

Read complete text or download PDF I was born in 1957 in a sod house at Kapuivik in the middle of Ikpiq, the top of Foxe Basin, halfway between Kangirdlukjuak – Steensby Inlet – and my home community of Igloolik. My birthplace is like the ‘heart’ of the Baffinland Iron Mine impact area, the part that would change the most if and when the mine, railroad, deep-water port and supertanker shipping passing through it are approved to go ahead for the next 100 years. I traveled a long way from Kapuivik since 1957 in space and in time, from the Stone Age to the Digital Age in one generation. As an Inuk I caught caribou, seals, walrus, wolves, ptarmigan, belugas, narwhal, polar bear, snow geese, muskox and arctic char, all harvested for food, skins and oil to keep my family well-fed and warm. As a filmmaker I showed my work, my language and my culture at the Cannes Film Festival and Adelaide, Australia, in New York and Paris, in Alert Bay on Vancouver Island and Tromso in arctic Norway. I learned more about my culture and Inuit ways, and more about the outside world and how it works. 

About Digital Indigenous Democracy (DID)
(Overview 5 May 2012)

Inuit consensus – "deciding together" – may be the strongest power communities can bring to negotiating with governments and transnational corporations. DID uses internet, community radio, local TV and social media to amplify Inuit traditional decision-making skills at a moment of crisis and opportunity, as Inuit face Environmental Review of the $6 billion Baffinland Iron Mine (BIM) on north Baffin Island. Through DID, Inuit adapt "deciding together" to get needed information in language they understand, talk about their concerns publicly and reach collective decisions with the power of consensus. Inuit consensus will be expressed publicly in a multimedia Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA), looking at the positive and negative impacts of the proposed mine in terms of international human rights standards and best practices, and then presented to the regulatory process, online through IsumaTV and through local radio and TV channels in all Nunavut communities. For more information see DID Overview. DID News Alert. Nipivut Nunatinnii Our Voice at Home.