Following on from IASCs 2020 Statement on Tackling Racism and Systemic Bias, acknowledging that Arctic science still suffers from systemic bias that marginalizes and excludes people who are Black, Indigenous, or from other under-represented minorities in the Arctic region and around the world, this panel session aims to discuss these issues facing our community, and also some practical solution… En savoir plus
Program name: Nunatinni (‘In My Home’) – was an Inuit cultural program. Producer: Inuit Broadcasting, Iqaluit, Nunavut Host: Nipisha Bracken
Segment 1: Betty and Rolly Fox, parents of Terry Fox, are guests of Inukshuk High School teacher Nick Newbery, who helped start an alternative educational program in Iqaluit.
Program name: Nunatinni (‘In My Home’) – was an Inuit cultural program. Producer: Inuit Broadcasting, Iqaluit, Nunavut Host: Rebecca Anaviapik- Soucie
Segment 1: Expert seamstress in traditional Inuit sewing, Annie Naujuq, teaches Rebecca Anaviapik- Soucie the different types of stitching in making traditional Inuit clothing.
Program name: Inukshuk (Land Mark): This series explores Inuit legends, skills and beliefs through dramatization, conversation and electronic wizardry. Topics which have been explored on Inukshuk include traditional clothes making, living inside an igloo and the making of sleds out of caribou skin.… En savoir plus
Program name: Kippinguijautiit (Things to Pass Time By): This show entertains the audience with funny and interesting stories on traditional and contemporary Inuit way of life. Kippingujautiit features northern musical talent and coverage of games and special events. Kippinguijautiit was the most popular Inuktitut language program from the audience survey conducted in 1992.… En savoir plus
Segment 1: Residents of Iqaluit convey season’s greetings to friends and family.
Segment 2: Scenes of narwhals at the floe edge near Arctic Bay. Andrew Taqtu and Glen Williams along with Japanese tourist’s scuba dive and film the narwhals.
Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut – (Things Worth Seeing): This series combines current events and stories from the Keewatin region with a look at Inuit politics and the many meetings in Rankin Inlet, the hub of the Keewatin. Stories have included the nose from the jet planes in the Keewatin, hockey and dog races.… En savoir plus