Education uploaded by: IsumaTV Learning tools to teach and enhance your own language and culture. Learning tools to teach about other cultures in a multicultural world. … En savoir plus
Thank you uploaded by: John Hodgins chaîne: DIAMA 2008-2009 A project by Isuma produced with the financial participation of: … En savoir plus
49s When did you decide to become a physician? (Video 4) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA When did you decide to become a physician? (Video 4)… En savoir plus
34s How did you go about becoming a physician? (Video 5) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA How did you go about becoming a physician? (Video 5) … En savoir plus
1m 11s How has your experience been at the University of Saskatchewan? (Video 6) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA How has your experience been at the University of Saskatchewan? (Video 6)… En savoir plus
1m 25s What are the essential math skills for a physician? (Video 7) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA What are the essential math skills for a physician? (Video 7)… En savoir plus
56s How does your heritage influence your practice? (Video 8) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA How does your heritage influence your practice? (Video 8)… En savoir plus
2m 11s What do you see as health issues facing the Aboriginal community? (Video 9) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA What do you see as health issues facing the Aboriginal community? (Video 9)… En savoir plus
52s Talk about your experience in becoming Canada's next great Prime Minister (Video 10) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA Talk about your experience in becoming Canada's next great Prime Minister (Video 10)… En savoir plus
43s What interests you in federal politics? (Video 11) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA What interests you in federal politics? (Video 11)… En savoir plus
58s How do you account for your success? (Video 12) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA How do you account for your success? (Video 12)… En savoir plus
40s What are some of the things you enjoy doing in your spare time? (Video 13) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA What are some of the things you enjoy doing in your spare time? (Video 13)… En savoir plus
39s Describe a day in the life of Alika Lafontaine (Video 14) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA Describe a day in the life of Alika Lafontaine (Video 14)… En savoir plus
45s Who were and are your role models? (Video 15) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA Who were and are your role models? (Video 15)… En savoir plus
1m 20s What advice would you give to Aboriginal students? (Video 16) uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina chaîne: DIAMA What advice would you give to Aboriginal students? (Video 16)… En savoir plus
24m 23s Tobacco - Seg 3 - GMRS uploaded by: GMRS chaîne: Good Medicine Radio Show Creator: Rita Chretien Producer's Name: Rita Chretien Year of Production: 2009 Country: Canada Region: NWT… En savoir plus