ice watch

  • 2m 6s

    Sikuaq - Ice Watch Word of the Week 5

    uploaded by: SIKU

    chaîne: SIKU


    The Ice Watch Word of the Week is Sikuaq.

    Sikuaq, or Hikuaq in the western dialects, is when Qinu or slushy ice begins to solidify and forms very thin freshly formed ice.

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    uploaded date: 21-04-2022

  • 2m 11s

    Ivunik - Ice Watch Word of the Week 4

    uploaded by: SIKU

    chaîne: SIKU


    The Ice Watch Word of the Week is: Ivunik.

    Ivunik is piled up ice and Ivujuk is the process of ice piling up. This often happens with moving ice piling up along the shore, or at the floe edge when the moving floe closes up against the land fast ice edge and creates pressure ridges of piled up ice.

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    uploaded date: 15-04-2022

  • 2m 12s

    Qaingu - Ice Watch Word of the Week 2

    uploaded by: SIKU

    chaîne: SIKU


    The SIKU SmartICE 2022 Ice Watch Word of the Week is Qaingu ᖃᐃᖑ (Qainngu ᖃᐃᙳ, Qainnuq ᖃᐃᓐᓄᖅ, Qaimnguq).

    Qaingu is ice that forms along the shore in the fall at the high tide line when Qinu, or slushy ice, is pushed onto the shore and builds up from waves and tides, where it freezes from slush into more solid Qaingu.

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    uploaded date: 31-03-2022

  • 2m 28s

    Qinu - Ice Watch Word of the Week 1

    uploaded by: SIKU

    chaîne: SIKU

    Learn about Qinu (ᕿᓄ) or Qinuaq (ᕿᓄᐊᖅ), one of the first types of ice that forms in the fall time around the harbours and bays and starts building up around the shore as the ocean begins to freeze.

    The Word of the Week is part of the 2022 SIKU SmartICE Ice Watch Challenge. Learn more at

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    uploaded date: 23-03-2022

  • SIKU

    uploaded by: SIKU

    uploaded date: 22-03-2022