Kaugjagjuk is Artcirq’s first major production, created in 2005. It was originally performed in Igloolik for the summer solstice with the participation of more than 20 children and youth from the community.
Beginning in 2010 in Arviat Nunavut, the Nanisiniq Arviat History Project is a multi-media history project which brings together Inuit youth and Elders to re-discover Inuit history.
Social isolation significantly impacts individual and community health, well-being, livelihoods and resilience, and yet few programs and policies currently address this issue directly.
The symposium Overcoming Isolation and Deepening Social Connectedness was the first global gathering on this topic.
Celebrating Global Dignity Day - at night and on stage with the cast and crew of Arviat TV at John Arnalukjuak High School in Arviat, Nunavut! Our special guest host for the evening was Jennifer Corriero from TakingITGlobal! This video was made by Daniel Kooveanatuk!
Our youth are being exposed to millions of pieces of content online. Unfortunately, not all of that content is positive. Global Dignity is working to change that encouraging youth to engage in our digital world in a more dignified way.
Held each year on the third Wednesday of October, role models from across the country – including parents, educators, athletes, Senators, former and current Members of Parliament as well as international business and thought leaders – join thousands of volunteers to make the day possible.
On October 15, 2014, role models from across the country and around the world – including parents, educators, athletes, Senators, former and current Members of Parliament as well as international business and thought leaders – join thousands of volunteers to make the day possible.
Created by Ancilla Irkok of Arviat as part of the Department of Education's video contest on language preservation. Ancilla was awarded a Blackberry Playbook for her efforts on this video.
Canadian singer-songwriter and internationally recognized humanitarian Bruce Cockburn, is lending his voice to suicide prevention by partnering with the Collateral Damage Project. The Order of Canada recipient is releasing a video calling for a dialogue on suicide. To view the video, go to www.leftbehindbysuicide.org
Since 2012, Arviat youth have been involved in celebrating Global Dignity Day.
Hosted by Global Dignity co-founder His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, this video has been produced to give you as a voluntary facilitator a brief introduction to Dignity Day and your role and responsibilities.
Giovanna Mingarelli, MCrowdsourcing (MC2) Inc., Canada, discusses the session The Eureka Effect during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in 2013.