5m 31s ep.20 IMARASUGSSUAQ: L’homme qui mangeait ses épouses uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.19 SEDNA: La souveraine de la mer uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.18 TIGGAK: L’ours et le bruant des neiges uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.17 QIMMIKUSSUALUK: Le chien géant uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.16 LUMAAQ: La femme qui dupa son beau-fils uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.15 MAHAHA: Le monstre des chatouilles uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.14 ARNAALUK: La géante uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 32s ep.13 ATUNGAKKUUK: Les voyageurs du monde uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s EP.12 AUVVIK: La femme et la chenille uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.11 ANARTEQ: L’homme qui devint un poisson uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 31s ep.10 Le Goéland qui épousa le Corbeau uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.09 Kiviuyk et la vieille femme uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.08 La petite orpheline uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.07 Le caribou et l’ours polaire uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 30s ep.06 Arc et flèches uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)
5m 32s ep.05 L’enfant enlevé par le Troll uploaded by: JerryCoAnimation chaîne: HISTOIRES DE NOS AÏEUX (STORIES OF OUR ELDERS - FRENCH)