BearBerry Camp


Portrait de BearBerry Camp
CONTEMPORARY KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE'S LES SAVOIRS CONTEMPORAINS DES PEUPLES PREMIERS "IN THE EFFORT TO SHARE CONTEMPORARY RADICAL AND ANCIENT KNOWLEDGES" BearBerry Camp is an Atelier-Library with a resource of Books. Music and Videos for loan or purchase. A meeting place for future "Contraries" who have been and will distance them selves from the "Norms" of civilized society. for example (pop or consumer-culture and celebrity worship) Before the institutions of science, religion, education,"civ-man" or the Giitichi-Manitou, Midewiwin, Windiigokaan and even the Horse Cultures of the plains ( that came after ), we are reaching back to the "Contraries" who understood the tellings of the animals who do not exist in the minds of modern day scholars. We are reaching back to the origin of a visionary intelligentsia: the WAABANOO. "ON THE MARCH THE CONTRARY WILL NOT FOLLOW THE TRIAL MADE BY OTHERS BUT MUST TRAVEL OFF TO A SIDE ...BY THEMSELVES".See more


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  • AanimII Atjecoutay

    uploaded by: BearBerry Camp

    I am from Ka-wezauce “Little Boy First Nation (cowessess Saskatchewan Canada) Saulteaux/Cree of the Ojibwa Nation a descendant of the Anishinabek.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 24-11-2012


    uploaded by: BearBerry Camp

    In tradition the stories will only be posted in the winter months as they where told in the past when the tribal peoples retired to their lodges and spent many cold days and nights at a time telling one story, It is said that it could take more then three days to tell one story. 


    uploaded date: 09-12-2012

  • 13m 30s

    Homage To Surfacing The Thames

    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    chaîne: DAMMEDIA

    Synopsis: Surfacing The Thames was an experimental film by experimental filmmaker David Rimmer. He was my first 16mm film teacher at SFU 1983, and I appreciated his work and support as a young film student of that decade. He took a strip of film and rephotographed it numerous times to create the lengthen work that it is today.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 15-11-2009

  • 1h 28m 18s

    7 Fires 4 U...Kitchi Manitou

    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    chaîne: DAMMEDIA

    Feature Film was shown at two film festivals, and a forty minute version was shown at the 2004 convention of Society of Cinema and Media Studies Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, 2004. Screenplay by Donald Morin, additonal writing by Gunargie O'Sullivan. Due to political nature of film, never completely shoot screenplay, due to difficulty in obtaining funding.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 17-01-2009

  • 5m 49s

    Wisakadewinmi Promo

    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    chaîne: DAMMEDIA

    I am looking for funding to help write screenplay!

    Filmmaker: Donald Morin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Gifts Films

    Year of Production: 2007

    Distributor Information:


    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 28-10-2008


    uploaded by: DonaldMorin

    This site will be for Donald Morin's Music, CV, acting demo, short mediaworks, his experimental films, and other works

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 28-10-2008

  • Nanai channel

    uploaded by: Stepan Porto

    In Russia the Nanais (self name Nani) live on the Sea of Okhotsk, on the Amur River, downstream from Khabarovsk, on both sides of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, as well as on the banks of the Ussuri and the Girin rivers (the Samagirs). The Russians formerly called them Goldi, after a Nanai clan name. According to the 2002 census, there were 12,160 Nanais in Russia.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 18-06-2012