Kona Producciones


Portrait de Kona Producciones


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  • Antes del Festival

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    chaîne: IsumaTV Ecuador

    ---English follows---

    La noche antes del Festival los organizadores y los participantes nos reunimos para presentarnos y empezarnos a preparar para las actividades que comenzarían al día siguiente.


    A night before the Festival started, the organizers and the participants got together to get ready for the next day activities' and to introduce ourselves.

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    uploaded date: 05-10-2010

  • 17s

    Ipod's Introduction

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    chaîne: IsumaTV Ecuador

    ---English follows---

    Antes de que comenzara el Festival y que llegaran todos los participantes a Quito, esta tarde les presenté a algunos de los organizadores las famosas ipods que traje para el taller práctico que estaré dando este jueves del uso de IsumaTV y las nuevas tecnologías.

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    uploaded date: 05-10-2010

  • 7m 53s

    Petite chasse

    uploaded by: wapikonimobile

    chaîne: Wapikoni

    Filmmaker: Pamela Basilish

    Filmmaker Contact:



    Producer's Name: Wapikoni mobile

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

    Region: Mashteuiatsh

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 26-06-2008

  • 2m 13s

    Coureurs de nuit

    uploaded by: wapikonimobile

    chaîne: Wapikoni

    No longer able to hunt their prey the way their ancestors did, the young Wemotaci have become night runners through the deserted village. And can they ever run! They run for fun or just to exhaust themselves—until the police go after them. A fresh and lively filmmaking feat.

    Filmmaker: Shanook Néwashish

    Filmmaker Contact:


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    uploaded date: 13-05-2008

  • IsumaTV Ecuador

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    -- English follows---

    Todo acerca de la participación de IsumaTV en Ecuador en el "X Festival de Cine y Video de los Pueblos Indígenas" organizado por CLACPI y CONAIE en octubre de 2010. Desde la conferencia y el taller hasta los encuentros del día a día.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 05-10-2010

  • Wapikoni

    uploaded by: wapikonimobile

    Wapikoni is an Indigenous organization that fosters artistic creation and excellence to serve the narrative sovereignty of Nations.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 13-05-2008