Canada has been plunged into a worldwide recession that is harsher than
any economic downturn since the Great Depression. Now, more than ever,
citizens are counting on their governments for vision, compassion and
Canada's controversial and lucrative sport hunting industry is the last legal one left in the world.
American polar bear hunters seemed destined for extinction last year
when the U.S. government listed the iconic Arctic predator as
“threatened” due to the rapid melting of its sea-ice habitat.
FLEFF, along with a consortium of national and international
organizations, will partner with the Bangalore festival. The
distributors are Documentary Educational Resources, Bullfrog Films and
Microcinema International.
Los pueblos indígenas representan el 85% de la diversidad cultural
planeta. Un amplio legado de tradiciones y costumbres que las máquinas
del “hombre blanco” no dejan de pisotear.
The head of Canada's national Inuit organization has slammed the design
of a map — released with fanfare this week by three federal ministers
as part of a report showcasing the Conservative government's Arctic
strategy — that "leaves out" the Inuit communities of northern Quebec
and Labrador.
The Council of the European Union approved a ban on sealskin products in its 27 member nations at a July 27 meeting in Brussels.
The ban is a “response to concerns about the animal welfare aspects
of seal hunting practices,” said the council members in a statement on
their decision.
The federal government has promised to assert Canada's sovereignty
over its resource-rich Arctic lands and waters while it addresses the
need for jobs, housing and a clean environment in the North.
Representatives from Air Greenland hope to travel to Iqaluit in
mid-September to discuss reviving air service between Nunavut and
A planned meeting between Air Greenland and officials at
the Government of Nunavut had to be scrapped because of the threat of a
strike by the airline’s flight attendants.
The federal government has not finalized the creation of a bowhead
whale sanctuary off the Baffin Island coast, so Inuit are planning a
party next month to nudge the government on the issue.
Two Inuit survivors of the residential school system have been
appointed to an Indian Residential School Survivor Committee which will
advise and assist the actual commission.