Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.
Este video hace parte de la propuesta para postular “El Conocimiento de los Jaguares del Yuruparí” del Rio Pirá Paraná de Colombia como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Es una realización de 4direcciones audio-visual, co-producción de La Fundación Gaia Amazonas, ACAIPI y 4direcciones audio-visual.… En savoir plus
I really love videos and here are some of MY favorite videos from IsumaTV. Hand picked!
IsumaTV hosts thousands of individual video, audio and text post uploaded by filmmakers and organizations from arround the world, as well as hosting unique multimedia projects.
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