Proyectarán la película Venado en Puebla uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado Documental sobre los indígenas huicholes, realizado a petición de ellos mismos Proyectarán la película Venado en Puebla Copias del documental estarán a la venta … En savoir plus
42m 1s Venado HD English Subtitles - Part 2 uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
42m 14s Venado HD Español - Parte 2 uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
37m 42s Venado HD Español - Parte 1 uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
1h 19m 43s Venado SD English Subtitles uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
1h 19m 38s Venado SD Español uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Venado The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
21m 32s Lanzamiento de Venado uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika 'Venado' a film about chanting shamans, their eternal journeys and celebrations launched September 26th in Mexico City.… En savoir plus
29m 24s Los viajes del cantador Ch. 19. Leu'unar uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika The last part of the trip to Wirikuta, the place where the sun was born… En savoir plus
25m 10s Los viajes del cantador Ch. 18. Kauyumarie Leu'unar uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika Sixth part of the trip in Wirikuta. The jicareros leave Blue deer place to star climbing up to where the Sun was born.… En savoir plus
26m 42s Los viajes del cantador Ch.17. Mawarixa uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika The Mavarixa celebration. First in the calendar. When the jicareros honor the harvest… En savoir plus
28m 53s Los viajes del cantador Ch. 16. Kauyumarie uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika The chanters give the offerings to the Blue deer, the messenger of the gods.… En savoir plus
28m 20s Los viajes del cantador Ch. 15. Wirikuta V uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira chaîne: Wirrarika Fifth part of the trip in Wirikuta. The ritual of the peyote.… En savoir plus
Venado uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers. The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.… En savoir plus
Wirrarika uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira Documentary series about the traditional voyages and celebrations of the wirraritarie (indigenous culture from Mexico).… En savoir plus