Stéphane Rituit


Portrait de Stéphane Rituit


  • IND-BSA-017

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Qajaliurunik : fabrication du qajaq
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-017

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-016

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    QAJALIURUNIK : fabrication du qajaq. Angajurpaaq à droite.
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-016

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-014

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    QAJALIURNIK : fabrication du qajaq. Anautaq assouplit une peau de phoque en la mâchant.
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-014

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-136

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Masiu Ningiuruvik de Kangiqsujuaq.
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-136

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-032

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Qulliq (lampe à l'huile)
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-032

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-102

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Pingu Alaku à la chasse au beluga
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-102

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-BSA-117A

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Vue panoramique de Kangiqsujuaq et de la baie.
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure fonds/Avataq Cultural Institute/BSA-117a

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    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-DIO-073

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Les chasseurs mangent du phoque cru, après l'avoir chassé en qajaq. De gauche à droite, Putulik Kulula, Jobie Tukkiapiak, Mingu Alaku, Etua Puttayuk, Jugini Irniq, Etuk Nuvvuuka et Kumak Harry Oovaut
    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure
    Father Jules Dion, o.m.i./Avataq Cultural Institute/DIO-073

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    uploaded date: 30-11-2015

  • IND-DIO-060

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    chaîne: Kingulliit

    Bernard Saladin d'Anglure avec le phoque barbu tué par le père Jules Dion, durant une promenade en raquettes sur la banquise.
    Père Jules Dion, o.m.i.
    Father Jules Dion, o.m.i./Avataq Cultural Institute/DIO-060

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-11-2015


    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau

    Collecting, Connecting and Creating Women’s Voices in Nunavut

    September 13-17, 2010 Iqaluit, Nunavut

    Welcome to the blog we created during the Symposium! We want to keep you  updated on what happened in Iqaluit during this exciting meeting. You will find here photos, videos and texts, in Inuktitut and English from the Symposium participants.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 03-09-2010

  • Distribution

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    These urls are direct links to 1080p h264 files for Isuma Productions. They can be copied (right-click and select "Copy Link Location") and pasted and emailed directly to authorized clients. These urls are specially encoded and stop working after 24 hours from the time you loaded this page.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 27-01-2010

  • The Fast Runner Trilogy

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    Three unique Inuit films expressing the dramatic history of one of the world’s oldest oral cultures from it’s own point of view.
    “A masterpiece... The first national cinema of the 21st century.” – A.O. Scott, NY Times review of Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, 2002.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 23-10-2009