

Portrait de takulukjuk
My name is Tommy Akulukjuk, i am very new isuma.tv and will be just starting up my page. i will start posting videos and pictures and write a blog. i am originally from Pangnirtung. i have lived in ottawa for about 6 years. i have been living in Iqaluit since April of 2010.See more


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  • isumagijakka

    uploaded by: takulukjuk

    chaîne: Tarrijaassaq

    Qangatuinnaq ajjinngualiurunnaqqugut ammalu tarrijaassanit. tarrijaassanut tusaumatittiniq maannaujuq aturunnattiaqqavut uvagut nunalinginnit tusaumatittiniarluta. nunaligijavut tusaumaqatigiigiaqarngat inuuqativut isumaqsaqsiurunnaqullugit inuusinginnut attuajunut.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 04-07-2010

  • Inuusivut

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    The Inuusivut Project is a national initiative of the Embrace Life Council and the National Inuit Youth Council. The primary objective of the project is to learn, document and share - through a variety of multi-media techniques - how Inuit perceive, express, develop, foster and promote mental health.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 04-02-2010