NIRB Announces Additional Mary River Hearings

NIRB Announces Additional Mary River Hearings

The Nunavut Impact Review Board has announced additional hearings reconsidering the Mary River Project Certificate Terms and Conditions and Process for Interventions.

The NIRB first issued the project certificate to Baffinland for the Mary River iron project on December 28, 2012.

New hearings are being held to assess the potential ecosystem and socio-economic impacts of the Early Revenue Phase proposal associated with the Mary River project as proposed by Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation.

At present, hearings are only scheduled in the community of Pond Inlet: all day January 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 at the Community Hall.

Those wishing to participate in the hearings must apply to become formal intervenors by submiting a completed Intervenor Application to the NIRB by December 13, 2013. Full details on how to apply can be download here.


20 November 2013

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