On September 15, 2008 Aborigiinal women and their supporters walked from Victoria BC to Ottawa where they held a ralley on September 15, 2008. Tclips are of the speeches on Parliament Hill
Part 2 looks at the issues of authentic justice for indigenous people, environmental sustainability and a revolutionary change in thinking...
Connie and Rhonda discuss the differences between the court-ordered Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the grassroots elders tribunal called the Truth Commission.
featuring black indian Assata Shakar (tupac shakur's aunt) this black panther escaped from maximum security prison in usa and fled to cuba.
with music by micheal franti and filmed in bolivia.
the soundtrack is by indigenous resistance featuing dr das ,jimmy dick,tohuno (solomon islands) photos are by baadziis & was edited by kwan .this video adresses the importance of respecting and returning to the land.The video and music is a collaboration that connects individuals in various continents of the world.
The dialogue between people, nature and gods is based upon a sacred knowledge and mythology. In the modern world only a few cultures based on myth survive. This film takes us into the word of Old Peter, the last surviving Shaman of the Kazym River.… Read more
Why Democracy? is the world's biggest factual multi-media event. Why Democracy? is centered around 10 documentary films, from all over the world.… Read more
Trevor Miller is a Six Nations political prisoner arrested for defending the Six Nations reclamation site. He is currently in custody in the US and facing 70 years in jail.
Robert Seth Hayes is a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army who has been imprisoned for the past 32 years. Here he speaks about the Panthers, the struggle of the Six Nations people and sends a message of solidarity to Trevor Miller, a Six Nations political prisoner.
Kiviaq's extraordinary life story bears testimony to the treatment Indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic have endured for generations due to the government's inhumane colonial policies.… Read more
Rapid change from traditional to modern life in Nunavut, like many post-colonial societies, has concentrated power, wealth and information in a few hands.… Read more
In 1994, fulfilling the wish of 94 year-old Noah Piugattuk to taste whale-skin maqtaq once again before he passes away, a group of Igloolik hunters illegally catches a bowhead whale after years of government prohibition. This event which sparks a legal controversy, the hunters are charged, government policy is resisted, then changed..