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  • My First Polar Bear Lesson (Nanugiurutiga)

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    channel: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

    Prior to watching Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), students will review the significance of hunting in the Inuit culture. Students will also complete a KWL Chart about polar bears, filling in teacher provided facts about this Arctic animal. Students will discuss the two threats to the survival of the polar bear: hunting and global warming.… Read more

    uploaded date: 15-06-2009

  • Dog Team Lesson (Qimuksik)

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    channel: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

    Prior to watching Qimuksik (Dog Team), students will complete a KWL Chart and will learn general information about Nunavut and the Inuit. Following the film, students will revisit their chart, adding any information they learned during the lesson. Students will then reflect on the film and illustrate a scene that they recall, complete with a brief description.

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    uploaded date: 15-06-2009

  • 2m 29s

    Interview with Terry Uyarak

    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau

    channel: IsumaTV 2.0

    Terry Uyarak: "And I don't believe when they say "We have the most, efficient, cleanest mining in modern days" because I don't think there are any clean mines." Click more for transcription


    - I heard they are making a road for this mining project. Did they start already? From where to where?

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    uploaded date: 03-06-2009

  • 16m 35s

    IQ Part 2

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    channel: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Read more

    uploaded date: 08-04-2008

  • 10m 59s

    IQ Part I

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    channel: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Read more

    uploaded date: 04-04-2008

  • 56m 50s

    Live Art

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Terry Uyarak and Guillaume Saladin, members of Artcirq, start a weekly TV program transmitted on Channel 5 in Igloolik, Nunavut and re-broadcast on IsumaTV for the worldwide audience.

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

    Region: Nunavut

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    uploaded date: 04-04-2008

  • 38m 58s

    Artcirq Lesson

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    channel: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-03-2008

  • 16m 1s

    Talent Show 2005

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Artcirq performance in Igloolik's High School gym. December 2005.

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

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    uploaded date: 14-02-2008

  • 12m 15s

    Issaittuq Trailer

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This is the trailer of the film "Issaittuq". A story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house.… Read more

    uploaded date: 14-02-2008

  • 23m 4s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    A trip to Pucalpa in the Peruvian Amazon

    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information:


    Country: Canada

    Region: Nunavut

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    uploaded date: 07-02-2008