Lucy Tulugarjuk interviews the CEO of the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Manitok Thompson and the Director and Producer from Kinguliit Productions Dr. Zacharias Kunuk. LIVE on September 23, 2020.
Host Jenna Amarualik interviews Maia Iotzova and Lucy Tulugarjuk about the ongoing projects of the Isuma Collective and NITV. LIVE on September 16, 2020.
Martha Kyak, a fashion designer and artist from Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet), NU, gave a live interview and fashion show for the NITV audience. LIVE on May 20, 2020.
Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.’s Phase 2 development proposal for the Mary River mine continues, and IsumaTV/DID records the process of public engagement sessions in communities. Sessions started in January 2019, leading to public hearings scheduled for summer 2019.
Tunnganariq Nunagijavut (Welcome to Where We Live Now) is a weekly, live cultural and current affairs series produced in-house by Uvagut TV with community partners throughout Inuit Nunangat.
Based on oral histories and conversations with elders who grew up on the land, ᐅᐃᒃᓴᕆᖕᒋᑕᕋ Uiksaringitara (Wrong Husband) follows director Zacharias Kunuk’s cinematic tradition of critically acclaimed Inuktut-language historical drama pieces set in the distant past, like Atanarjuat The Fast Runner (2001) and Angakusjaujuaq: The Shaman’s Apprentic… Read more
Tunnganariq Nunagijavut (Welcome to Where We Live Now) is a weekly, live cultural and current affairs series produced in-house by Uvagut TV with community partners throughout Inuit Nunangat.