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  • 23m 9s

    Minganie Chronicle (part 1)

    uploaded by: Eddy Malenfant

    channel: Manitu

    To know the history of Cananda

    Filmmaker: Eddty Malenfant

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Zacharie Bellefleur Eddy Malenfant

    Year of Production: 2003

    Distributor Information:


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    uploaded date: 25-01-2008

  • 2m 42s

    Minganie Chronicle (intro)

    uploaded by: Eddy Malenfant

    channel: Manitu

    This is the history of Canada with a innu point of view.

    Filmmaker: Eddy Malenfant

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Zacharie Bellefleur

    Year of Production: 2003

    Distributor Information:


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    uploaded date: 23-01-2008

  • 3m 55s

    the Love you give

    uploaded by: Castille Troy

    channel: loveyougive

    Inuit, Metis, and First Nation Youth prevent violence and promote healthy equal relationships.

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information:


    Minwaashin Lodge - Aboriginal Women's Support Centre

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    uploaded date: 21-01-2008

  • 2m 18s

    Translation - Syco & Big T Crazy

    uploaded by: Ryan Beardy

    channel: mistasmokalot

    Aboriginal Hip-Hop Music video, mainly to showcase the song/single, with really no direction to the video but with footage of Sioux Lookout. For fun.

    Filmmaker: Ryan

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Ryan

    Year of Production: 2006

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    uploaded date: 17-01-2008

  • 50m 37s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Artcirq tells the story of how a group of young circus performers try to teach young Inuit to use circus to find more meaning in life and reject suicide.… Read more

    uploaded date: 20-12-2007

  • 34m 52s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    A youth oriented reflexion through video and interviews about the situation of 2 natives worlds, in 2 opposite geographic context, the Peruvian Amazonia and the Canadian high Arctic. Contrast and similitude...

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: artcirq

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    uploaded date: 13-12-2007

  • 2m 44s

    Fibonacci laboratory

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Artcirq (Igloolik), Les 7 Doigts de la main (Montreal), and Cirko de Mente (Mexico) working together for the first time in october 2007, Monterrey, Mexico.This is just the beginning... Follow "Fibonacci project 2008"

    Filmmaker: Solomon Uyarasuk

    Filmmaker Contact:


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    uploaded date: 11-12-2007