John Hodgins


John Hodgins's picture
I have been the Technical Director for IsumaTV since our launch in 2008. I've managed the growth of the site from a simple video blog to an interactive social networking and OTT VOD platform, as well as acting as lead developer for a variety of Isuma's digital projects. I've travelled extensively in the Canadian Arctic managing installation of IsumaTV MediaPlayers in Igloolik, Pangnirtuq and Iqaluit. More recently, I developed the technology and helped launch Uvagut TV, Canada's first national Inuktut television channel.See more


  • Gjoa Haven | Uqsuqtuuq | ᐅᖅᓱᖅᑑᖅ

    uploaded by: GjoaHaven

    Gjoa Haven is a Low Bandwidth High Cost internet community. Internet service is 150 times behind southern Canada in cost-per-MB. To overcome this handicap NITV installs local server Mediaplayers to deliver high speed media to slow speed users, and broadcasts our internet films and videos to home TV.

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    uploaded date: 07-03-2016

  • Old Massett

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    The Haida community page is dedicated to telling stories from the Haida perspective. Working in the communities of Skidegate and Old Massett, this page was possible through the Haida Script Development Project, a collaboration between the Council of the Haida Nation, the UBC School of Regional and Community Planning, and NITV (Nunavut Independent Television Network).

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    uploaded date: 08-09-2016

  • May 29th LIVE on IsumaTV @ 7:45PM EST

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: IsumaTV

    The 9th Annual LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium. May 29 and 30, 2009.

    LIVE on IsumaTV May 29th 7:45pm - 10 pm EST
    Her Excellency, MICHAELLE JEAN, Governor General of canada
    SIILA WATT-CLOUTIER, Inuit climate activist and 2007 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, speaking LIVE from Iqaluit on Inuit Knowledge, Human Rights and Climate Change. Q&A and Inuit entertainment.

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    uploaded date: 22-05-2009

  • 2m 5s

    another test

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et leo. Duis metus nulla, tincidunt a, sollicitudin ut, porttitor sit amet, turpis. Sed molestie, ipsum at tincidunt dignissim, ligula ligula vulputate justo, sed feugiat leo neque eu tellus. Maecenas sit amet eros sed ligula elementum tempor. Etiam sodales sodales augue. Nam gravida volutpat magna.… Read more

    uploaded date: 19-05-2009

  • test

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et ornare nisi. Maecenas vestibulum eros vehicula turpis facilisis sollicitudin ut eget urna. In vestibulum elit ac tellus convallis eget eleifend enim fringilla. Pellentesque sollicitudin commodo vestibulum. Maecenas eget lacus odio, ac elementum quam.… Read more

    uploaded date: 12-05-2009

  • test three

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus fermentum ligula quis purus. Nullam molestie ultrices tortor. Mauris aliquet, velit sed dignissim scelerisque, enim lacus ornare arcu, sed porttitor mi neque ut dui. Curabitur fringilla dolor in diam. Quisque rhoncus nisi at nulla. Fusce elit. Donec aliquet.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-04-2009

  • test two

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus fermentum ligula quis purus. Nullam molestie ultrices tortor. Mauris aliquet, velit sed dignissim scelerisque, enim lacus ornare arcu, sed porttitor mi neque ut dui. Curabitur fringilla dolor in diam. Quisque rhoncus nisi at nulla. Fusce elit. Donec aliquet.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-04-2009

  • test one

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    <?php print check_plain("Gwich'in"); ?>

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus fermentum ligula quis purus. Nullam molestie ultrices tortor. Mauris aliquet, velit sed dignissim scelerisque, enim lacus ornare arcu, sed porttitor mi neque ut dui. Curabitur fringilla dolor in diam. Quisque rhoncus nisi at nulla. Fusce elit.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-04-2009

  • test playlist

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et leo. Duis metus nulla, tincidunt a, sollicitudin ut, porttitor sit amet, turpis. Sed molestie, ipsum at tincidunt dignissim, ligula ligula vulputate justo, sed feugiat leo neque eu tellus. Maecenas sit amet eros sed ligula elementum tempor. Etiam sodales sodales augue. Nam gravida volutpat magna.… Read more

    uploaded date: 11-03-2009

  • test photo album

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget risus. Vivamus ullamcorper diam. Morbi cursus imperdiet velit. Donec at nisi. Sed porttitor dictum lectus. Suspendisse sit amet ipsum. Integer ornare. Nunc quis magna. Aenean nec sapien. Mauris in justo. Praesent arcu turpis, bibendum et, tristique ac, elementum ac, orci. Etiam eget sem.… Read more

    uploaded date: 06-03-2009

  • 3m 2s

    test audio

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget risus. Vivamus ullamcorper diam. Morbi cursus imperdiet velit. Donec at nisi. Sed porttitor dictum lectus. Suspendisse sit amet ipsum. Integer ornare. Nunc quis magna. Aenean nec sapien. Mauris in justo. Praesent arcu turpis, bibendum et, tristique ac, elementum ac, orci. Etiam eget sem.… Read more

    uploaded date: 06-03-2009

  • test event

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: John's Workspace

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vel est id ante bibendum cursus. Duis ut augue at velit laoreet imperdiet. Donec sapien lacus, commodo id, placerat at, convallis pretium, sapien. Sed varius est vitae sapien. Cras eleifend lorem id augue. Donec dictum vestibulum nulla. Integer bibendum tempus purus.… Read more

    uploaded date: 05-03-2009

  • 18m 9s

    Flint and Feather

    uploaded by: Danny Musser

    channel: HeyokaHappiness

    Along the banks of the Grand River, Mona Staats shares her compelling rendition of inspiring poetry written by author Emily Pauline Johnson. These poetry readings celebrate the love of the land and culture in the generations that call Six Nations of The Grand River Home.

    Filmmaker: Danny Musser

    Filmmaker Contact:


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    uploaded date: 01-02-2008

  • 3m 28s

    Dave Swallow

    uploaded by: tamara bull

    channel: FirstTalk

    Only 3% of Native Canadian practice traditional religion.

    Filmmaker: Tamara Bull

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Tamara Bull Cedar Root Television & Film Production 101-206 E 6th Van BC

    Producer's Name: Tamara Bull

    Year of Production: 2007

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    uploaded date: 31-01-2008

  • 21m 52s

    Minganie Chronicle (part 2)

    uploaded by: Eddy Malenfant

    channel: Manitu

    To know the real history of Canada

    Filmmaker: Eddy Malenfant

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Zacharie Bellefleur

    Year of Production: 2003

    Distributor Information:


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    uploaded date: 29-01-2008

  • 23m 9s

    Minganie Chronicle (part 1)

    uploaded by: Eddy Malenfant

    channel: Manitu

    To know the history of Cananda

    Filmmaker: Eddty Malenfant

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Zacharie Bellefleur Eddy Malenfant

    Year of Production: 2003

    Distributor Information:


    Read more

    uploaded date: 25-01-2008

  • 2m 42s

    Minganie Chronicle (intro)

    uploaded by: Eddy Malenfant

    channel: Manitu

    This is the history of Canada with a innu point of view.

    Filmmaker: Eddy Malenfant

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Zacharie Bellefleur

    Year of Production: 2003

    Distributor Information:


    Read more

    uploaded date: 23-01-2008

  • 3m 55s

    the Love you give

    uploaded by: Castille Troy

    channel: loveyougive

    Inuit, Metis, and First Nation Youth prevent violence and promote healthy equal relationships.

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information:


    Minwaashin Lodge - Aboriginal Women's Support Centre

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    uploaded date: 21-01-2008

  • 2m 18s

    Translation - Syco & Big T Crazy

    uploaded by: Ryan Beardy

    channel: mistasmokalot

    Aboriginal Hip-Hop Music video, mainly to showcase the song/single, with really no direction to the video but with footage of Sioux Lookout. For fun.

    Filmmaker: Ryan

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Ryan

    Year of Production: 2006

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    uploaded date: 17-01-2008

  • 50m 37s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    Artcirq tells the story of how a group of young circus performers try to teach young Inuit to use circus to find more meaning in life and reject suicide.… Read more

    uploaded date: 20-12-2007

  • 34m 52s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    A youth oriented reflexion through video and interviews about the situation of 2 natives worlds, in 2 opposite geographic context, the Peruvian Amazonia and the Canadian high Arctic. Contrast and similitude...

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: artcirq

    Read more

    uploaded date: 13-12-2007