More about Before Tomorrow

Before Tomorrow Online Trailer

Synopsis: In 1840, two isolated Inuit families reunite in celebration after many years of separation. These tribes have never met any white people, although rumours circulate about them. When Ninioq, an old woman, her best friend, Kuutujuuk, and her grandson, Maniq leave camp to dry fish on a remote island a strange illness attacks the camp.

Interview with Jorn Riel, author of For Morgendagen (Before Tomorrow)

Danish writer Jorn Riel, author of For Morgendagen, the book that inspired the filmmakers of Before Tomorrow, is interviewed by Marie-Hélène Cousineau, co-director of the film.  He talks about his experience in Greenland and his love and respect for the old Inuit women he met as a young adventurer in the Arctic. This interview took place on his farm in Sweden, in 2005.

Interview with Madeline Ivalu

Madeline Ivalu, co-director of Before Tomorrow, being interviewed before the New York screening.

Marie Helene Cousineau

Marie-Hélène Cousineau talks about the work of Arnait video in Igloolik and how the members of the collective are now looking for a wider audience for their stories, especially after the production of their first feature film, Before Tomorrow. Interviewed by Gabriela Gamez, Montreal, June 2009. In French.

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