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15th Jan 2019 – 3rd Comment - Pond Inlet - Inuktitut


01 February 2019

2705 ḵing gan

Customers want to buy the iron. He was voted as QIA representative. A lot of people stated that Baffinland’s activities need to benefit communities more but nothing has changed. Their activities are increasing and they are making a profit but it is not coming back to them.
There is a lot of wildlife in the Milne area, whales and others, all migrate up to flee from killer whales. Many of them breed up there. Abundant fishes up there, they are everywhere in the summer. A lot of food sources. The numbers of char will be heavily impacted by project activities, and community members will also be heavily impacted because char is sometimes the only option when the weather has been bad.

A lot of people in Pond Inlet are working at the mine but also a lot are unemployed. They cannot fend for themselves and their family’s needs. A lot of issues. What we should be planning for is not being done. Hamlet and HTO statements (?) on the radio. Community members from Pond Inlet should have more opportunity to express themselves calmly before a decision is made.

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Ḵwaan sda: DID records comments from Inuit at the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) Public Hearings