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15th Jan 2019 – 7th Comment - Elder Jayco Aluluuq - Pond Inlet - Inuktitut


01 February 2019

3201 ḵing gan

Elder Jayco Aluluuq: With the increase proposal, there would be many ships on the waters of Pond Inlet, the barges and ships for the mine will be a huge increase addition to the cruise ships and sea freighters that already occupy these waters in the summer.

When Baffinland was here last week, they said that they want to increase ships, 134-136 ships would increase during the summer, and 30 freighters, that’s a lot of ships. There are already other ships coming to our community, like cruise ships. More ships of the big class will be coming. Looking at our future, the number of ships waiting to be loaded, it seems like those ships will be killing Pond Inlet’s future especially as through hunting. Heard on the radio that HTO made a motion that community members had not approved the project. Seems like there is not enough time for them to consider this, thinks community should be given more time to plan because they will be seriously affected. Need more time to state their concerns to NIRB. Need more information and need to give their reasons. If the project is approved, even if the community said no, then Baffinland will need time to plan for the impacts. Was invited to some of the meetings regarding the railway, it would be like a wall moving from Baffinland building to Milne, like caribou fences. Community members will need to assist
QIA for the moment have not provided any benefits. Have not even come here to have talks with us or provide benefits. If it’s the case again, then they can’t work with QIA or NIRB. With the planning of the railway, it will have lot of impact. But good news that there will be less dust but the noise causes a lot of impacts for wildlife. Also, we know that Mary River area is the main migration route for coming up there. They would have to look at benefits, and March is too close for that, they would need to rush for an IIBA. Once the ships pass there, it’s a very great concern to him, there will not be wildlife in their future.


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Ḵwaan sda: DID records comments from Inuit at the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) Public Hearings