Social isolation significantly impacts individual and community health, well-being, livelihoods and resilience, and yet few programs and policies currently address this issue directly.
The symposium Overcoming Isolation and Deepening Social Connectedness was the first global gathering on this topic.
Celebrating Global Dignity Day - at night and on stage with the cast and crew of Arviat TV at John Arnalukjuak High School in Arviat, Nunavut! Our special guest host for the evening was Jennifer Corriero from TakingITGlobal! This video was made by Daniel Kooveanatuk!
Our youth are being exposed to millions of pieces of content online. Unfortunately, not all of that content is positive. Global Dignity is working to change that encouraging youth to engage in our digital world in a more dignified way.
Rare early footage of Late famous musician Simon Sigjariak aka Johnny Cash of the North. With musicians Paul K Irksuk, John Kuksuk. Original footage IBC. Digitization/Editing Arviat Film.
Song "Uqarumanniruma" or "If I wish to say or not to say".