Fast and Dirty Edit of Walking with Sweet Mary Electric for the Missing Women families with new sound and Footage from Waiikiki Beach Traditional Hawaiian Territory 2017
In Memory of James Nicholas, Jimy Sidlar, & Neil Benson Three Artists who were part of NDNs & DOGS during the 20th century. Song: Saying Farewell to my Friends Electric Indigenous Blues with the talented Anthony Favel MacNab Electric guitar Donald Morin
Around that time I had an Alexis S-VHS 8-track rented for sound recording for Cross Lake Centre Northern Manitou "The Baby Tapes, so I hooked up a cassette to the rca outputs and wrote what I could off hours
Living at 549 West 49 Street West Side Vancouver. Wrote this song around Spring 1994 after some unfortunate incidents dealing with life. I will transcribe vocals and add lyrics soon.
I was living at 1750 Davie Street, Vancouver hanging out with Colin MacPherson, Debra Charlie, Barb Gunderson, John Anderson doing the Carnegie Theatre Guild 401 Main Street Vancouver, DTES. 1983,
I sang this song during a break at an Indians & Dogs Rehearsal. I was with Jimy Sidlar and Kim Soo Goodtrack at Pitt Gallery on Powel Strreet, Vancouver. Salish Teritory. This is a love song I wrote during that time of life. It was performed once at Stein Festival, 91, during Spirit Song Theatre gig, where Jimy & I were called in to cover a show.… Uqalimakkanirit
This early live version of Monsieur Cote was recorded with a Hi-8 Camera under very low light and is the only copy available. Reviewing version to eliminate some images, add historical images and other images out of my archives to take in account current issues affecting native people today. God bless you all as we carry the memories of our past and our ancestors into this brave new world.… Uqalimakkanirit
Quote from Akademia Music awards: 'This track's fervent vocal delivery, socially-conscious lyrics and interesting guitar stylings furnish a two and a half minute interval of listening intrigue.'
Currently, a work in progress Edit. Moved again, so will keep you posted
Quote from Akademia Music awards: 'This track's fervent vocal delivery, socially-conscious lyrics and interesting guitar stylings furnish a two and a half minute interval of listening intrigue.'
The Edmonton Truth and Reconciliation Commission had a Talent Night held at the Shaw Conference Centre on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River. I was one of thirty contestants who were great and the audience had a great time. Shot by Curtis Cardinal