Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 3

    Program name: Qimaivvik – was an Igloolik cultural show including storytelling, hunting
    and sewing techniques, legends, language, igloo building, etc.   
    Producer: Inuit Broadcasting, Baker Lake, Nunavut
    Host: Brenda Qijuk
    Segment 1: Bearded seal hunt demonstration including the dressing and identification of
    edible parts of the seal.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 11-03-2020

  • 9m 52s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Qaggiq

    Qaggiq (Gathering Place) was a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).

Producer: Rankin Inlet - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Host: Noah Tiktaq

    Segment 1: This is a public meeting in Baker Lake about the Territorial Harvester Support Program. Peter Ittinuar is the main presenter.


    uploaded date: 08-02-2018

  • 8m 1s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC Misc

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Philip Patungayak


    uploaded date: 09-01-2017

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Inukshuk
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Sam Itkilik

    Segment 1: Two Baker Lake men, hunting, skinning and butchering caribou.


    uploaded date: 19-01-2016

  • 28m 52s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Inukshuk
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Baker Lake, Nunavut
    Host: Sam Itkilik

    Segment 1: In 1993, Jacob Ikinilik talks about how to skin a caribou properly for making clothing.


    uploaded date: 18-01-2016

  • 28m 55s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2


    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Abraham Tagalik

    Segment 1: In 1991, Theresa Taqtaq talks about her qulliq. She explains how they were able to survive using the snow and the qulliq.


    uploaded date: 17-01-2016

  • 28m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Unnukkut
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Peter Tapatai

    Segment 1: In 1992, Joe Tigulagaq, a wildlife officer in Baker Lake, talks about and shows different kinds of traps that are approved for use by trappers.


    uploaded date: 16-01-2016

  • 28m 27s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Unnukkut
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Peter Tapatai

    Segment 1: In 1992, Susan Toolooktook walked a long distance to help fundraise for those that don’t have enough food.


    uploaded date: 16-01-2016

  • 26m 6s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Producer: Baker Lake Production Centre – probably during the Inukshuk Project

    Segment 1: This shows a Christmas church service with Armand Tagoona in1980. A variety of activities, including Inuit games, ajaaja songs, and drum dancing, which took place during Christmas time, are also shown. A French priest also gives his Christmas and New Years greetings.


    uploaded date: 15-01-2016

  • 13m 27s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Host: Peter Tapatai

    Segment 1: The Inuit Committee on National Issues (ICNI) resulted from a meeting of Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC) (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami). This video gives an overview about the committee and what their goal is regarding the federal political world.


    uploaded date: 15-01-2016

  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Host: Michael Haqpi


    uploaded date: 14-01-2016

  • 28m 53s

    00732IQ+ Baker Lake-1992-06-Inukshuk #5

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Program name: Inukshuk

    Inuit Broadcasting Corporation (1982-1992 -10-year Anniversary)
    Producer: Rankin Inlet
    Host: Albert Kimmarliarjuk

    Segment 1: David Mannik from Baker Lake sings ajaaja songs about the hardships he and his family went through many years ago. He also tells stories about those days.


    uploaded date: 29-05-2015