Igloolik Television uploaded by: COOP Igloolik Make a requestContact Igloolik Television - Channel 51 managers to suggest content for this channel.+1.867.934.8080+1.888.852.5424Leave a note on our Facebook wall … Uqalimakkanirit
3m 36s IsumaTV on COOP cable uploaded by: COOP Igloolik channel: Igloolik Television Set up of IsumaTV Media Payer on the COOP cable system in Igloolik (channel 51).… Uqalimakkanirit
Installation Manual uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit channel: Igloolik Television IsumaTV Media Player installation Manual… Uqalimakkanirit
Playlist Manual uploaded by: Cara Di Staulo channel: Igloolik Television IsumaTV manual for local Cable Managers to setup and update their broadcast playlist.Version: March 2014… Uqalimakkanirit
Channel51 - Studio SetUp uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit channel: Igloolik Television IsumaTV on NITVChannel51 in Igloolik, NUStudio set up desription and IsumaTV Media Player playing 24/7 Inuktitut TV on Channel51.… Uqalimakkanirit