John Hodgins


John Hodgins's picture
I have been the Technical Director for IsumaTV since our launch in 2008. I've managed the growth of the site from a simple video blog to an interactive social networking and OTT VOD platform, as well as acting as lead developer for a variety of Isuma's digital projects. I've travelled extensively in the Canadian Arctic managing installation of IsumaTV MediaPlayers in Igloolik, Pangnirtuq and Iqaluit. More recently, I developed the technology and helped launch Uvagut TV, Canada's first national Inuktut television channel.See more


  • Gjoa Haven | Uqsuqtuuq | ᐅᖅᓱᖅᑑᖅ

    uploaded by: GjoaHaven

    Gjoa Haven is a Low Bandwidth High Cost internet community. Internet service is 150 times behind southern Canada in cost-per-MB. To overcome this handicap NITV installs local server Mediaplayers to deliver high speed media to slow speed users, and broadcasts our internet films and videos to home TV.


    uploaded date: 07-03-2016

  • Old Massett

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    The Haida community page is dedicated to telling stories from the Haida perspective. Working in the communities of Skidegate and Old Massett, this page was possible through the Haida Script Development Project, a collaboration between the Council of the Haida Nation, the UBC School of Regional and Community Planning, and NITV (Nunavut Independent Television Network).


    uploaded date: 08-09-2016

  • Welcome to IsumaTV!

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Home

    Welcome, you can now begin to upload to IsumaTV!

    Create as many channels as you like for your media, follow other people’s channels and join community hubs.

    Use your floating control panel on the right to upload, create new channels, and edit your profile or to logout.


    uploaded date: 06-04-2015

  • Tuttujaq

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Kingulliit

    Film 16 mm couleur (muet)
    Réalisé et tourné par
    Bernard Saladin d’Anglure,
    chargé de recherche au CNRS (Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale)
    et professeur invité au département d’anthropologie
    Université Laval


    uploaded date: 20-01-2015

  • Video on Demand

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Home

    IsumaTV automatically re-compresses every uploaded video to five different versions for Streaming (i.e. view-only) depending on the different internet capacities of viewers:

    1. High HD (1080) and Low HD (720) deliver highest quality Streaming to viewers with fast internet bandwidth;


    uploaded date: 09-01-2015

  • Projects and Consulting Work

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Home

    At IsumaTV we have put together a group of experts in media, law and other areas part of indigenous people’s lives. Over the years we have developed projects like DID, ARTCO, DIAMA, gathering knowledge and experience we can share with other people and interested media organizations.

    About these projects and consulting services:


    uploaded date: 09-01-2015

  • Multimedia Sharing and Custom Designed Channels

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Home

    IsumaTV carries over 5000 videos, and thousands of other images and audio files, in more than 70 different languages, on 800+ user-controlled channels, representing indigenous cultures and media organizations from Canada, U.S.A., Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and all over Latin America.


    uploaded date: 09-01-2015

  • IsumaTV Mediaplayer Distribution Network

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Home

    By installing IsumaTV Mediaplayers in remote communities, IsumaTV has created an independent distribution network, allowing isolated communities in the world to interact at high-speed with other people worldwide, by contributing their own media content, and having access to the existing media on IsumaTV.


    uploaded date: 09-01-2015

  • Test text post

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    channel: Kingulliit

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut commodo augue ligula, quis mollis dui mollis vitae. Nam ac velit nec orci pulvinar lobortis. Phasellus nulla neque, aliquet vitae sagittis eget, auctor eu eros.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 12-02-2014

  • 45m 7s

    Issaittuq (Waterproof)

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This is a story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house. Because of his violent act his been sentenced to go to an outpost camp for two months, a camp where a hunter is waiting for him.


    uploaded date: 01-12-2007

  • 10m 41s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This is the first music video clip ever made in Igloolik, with the band "Eskiez", a very nice inspiration for all other musicians in town!! Other music video clips are on the way.

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin and Derek Aqqiaquq

    Filmmaker Contact:



    uploaded date: 01-11-2007

  • 6m 34s

    Maana (Now)

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Our Lands

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq


    uploaded date: 01-11-2007

  • 4m 35s

    Short Skit of Artcirq

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This video is part of a series of other documentaries around a youth Inuit group, Artcirq, who are trying to express their reality and identity in modern days.

    Filmmaker: Natar Ungalaq

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Visit our website

    Producer's Name: Natar Ungalaq


    uploaded date: 22-10-2007

  • 35m 59s

    Eskimomo rough edit

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    This rough draft is a preliminary video about the experience of Yamoussa Bangourra, African Dancer, acrobat juggler musician, coming to the high Arctic in the coldest period of the year, January, when the sun is not visible? Meeting the troup of Artcirq,

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:



    uploaded date: 28-07-2007

  • 10m 10s

    Artcirq Short Doc

    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    A short documentary by Solomon Uyarasuk about youth who are training to put on a show in Igloolik.

    Produced by Guillaume Saladin.  An Artcirq Produciton. 2007. Visit our website



    uploaded date: 28-07-2007

  • 58m 16s

    Nunaqpa (Going Inland)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    channel: MICH Living Archives

    Nunaqpa is the second Isuma recreated fiction, filmed with actors in 1990 recreating a Summer caribou hunt in the 1930's. For Igloolik Inuit, it is the time of Nunaqpa, 'going inland,' the long walk in search of summer-fat caribou to catch enough meat for the hard winter ahead. Two families leave for the hunt, while the old couple and grandmother wait by the shore for their return.


    uploaded date: 29-10-2006

  • 49m 24s

    Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    A group of Nunavut elders travel to five museums in North America to see and identify artifacts, tools and clothing collected from their Inuit ancestors.

    Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit), Igloolik Isuma Productions, Kivalliq Inuit Association 2009, Producers Bernadette Dean, Katarina Soukup, Zacharias Kunuk. English and Inuktut w/Eng s-t.



    uploaded date: 10-05-2006

  • 8m 48s


    uploaded by: Artcirq

    channel: Artcirq

    407, Artcirq, Igloolik Isuma, NITV productions 2006, Producer Guillaume Saladin, Director Bruce Haulli. Inuktut w/English s-t.


    uploaded date: 21-02-2006

  • 47m 5s

    Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    channel: MICH Living Archives

    Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk) follows the lives of three Inuit in Montreal over the course of one hot and humid summer.Only two generations ago Inuit lived in small, nomadic hunting camps scattered across the vast Arctic landscape.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 12-10-2005

  • Our Story

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: DIAMA 2008-2009

    Among the many collections from all across Canada that are part of the Inuit and Aboriginal media archive, the following organizations are some of the providers of the irreplaceable digitized content:


    uploaded date: 02-09-2001