The name of my character is Apak. The father and the uncle are both Shamans and my character was also a Shaman but wasn't known to be one because she didn't show it.
When did you start rehearsing?
We started in the beginning of March, and we rehearse weekdays 9-5.
My character's name is Urulu. I have read the script, but I'm still understanding my role. My character is a quiet person and she's also a Shaman. I'm doing a voiceover for the story that was either spoken or written for Knud Rasmussen.
Actually, I started ten years ago being a production assistant and
then production manager in the fiction industry in Copenhagen. Then I
applied to the National Film School of Denmark and I went there for
four years, so now I have the education for being a producer.
I didn't expect that much success. It was the first feature film in Inuktitut, by Inuit, and I was just aiming to see what mistakes we would make and learn from them. Apparently we didn’t make any!
How important is the community to make Isuma successful?
Yesterday we wrapped the shooting of The Journals of Knud
Rasmussen. Cast and crew have returned to Igloolik, though some people have
stayed behind to begin the long task of dismantling the Siuraajuk base camp.