
  • 55m 3s

    BL - 424 Stories from Back River People

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Stories from Back River People

    Program name: Takuyaksat
    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Camera: Samson Juuraat, Charley Keenan
    Edited by: William Sikatti
    Location: Baker Lake, Nunavut

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    uploaded date: 17-03-2015

  • 24m 1s

    The Duck In

    uploaded by: Uncivilized Films

    channel: Uncivilized Films's channel

    History of the Iñupiat: The Duck-In is about US government attempts to regulate traditional hunting rights of the Iñupiat in 1961. This is the story of the first major conflict between the Federal government and the Iñupiat people and marked the beginning of the battle for land rights in northern Alaska.

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    uploaded date: 12-04-2011

  • 23m 24s

    Attagutaaluk (Starvation)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    Rose Ukkumaluk, an Igloolik elder, relates the tale of Attagutaaluk, a woman who survived a starvation and lived to become an honoured resident of Igloolik.

    Filmmaker: Arnait Ikkagurtigitt Collective

    Filmmaker Contact: Visit our website or

    Producer's Name: Arnait Ikkagurtigitt Collective

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    uploaded date: 21-10-2007