Orulu character outline
I am called Orulu, and I was born at the mouth of Admiralty Inlet. While I was still a little child carried on my mother's back, my parents left Baffin Land and settled at Iglulik. When I was young, my father had pains in his chest and lungs, and one day I saw ijiqqat, or mountain spirits. This was a sign that my father's death was near, and when he died, he was tied up in a skin and left lying out in the open with his face turned towards the west. I didn't understand this special custom, for because he was an old man he must be left this way, but my mother explained that his soul was already in the land of the dead where he would feel no more pain. When I met Knud Rasmussen, he would often ask me about my life, and I would explain there was nothing to tell. But one day, as I sewing a pair of waterproof boots, I shared my story. When I was young, my life was filled with much sadness, but when I met my husband Aua, my adventures ended, for one who lives happily has no adventures, and in truth I have lived happily with my husband and children. I had always been a poor fatherless creature, passed from hand to hand. When I married Aua and was welcomed with great festivity by all in the village, I knew that although we might face many hardships, my life would now be content.