January 2017


24 January 2017



14h 31m 12s
  • Duration: 6m 24s

    IBC Tohaknaak A1142, Shamanism, 1986, Cambridge Bay - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Host: James Kavogak. Inuktut.

    Segment 1: Interview with Sam Immingaq about shamanism.

  • Duration: 14m 12s

  • Duration: 28m 54s

    Carvers of Coppermine - 1987

    Program name: Tohaknaak
    Producer: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation - Ikaluktuktiak (Cambridge Bay)
    Host: John Komak
    Location: Kugluktuk

  • Duration: 28m 58s

    Program name: Tohaknaak
    Producer: Cambridge Bay – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Cambridge Bay, Nunavut

    Host: James Kavana
    Interviewer: Sarah Green

    Segment 1: A man talks about the Canadian Rangers. He also explains the training program.

    Host: James Kavana

    Segment 2: Finnigan sings for the children of Cambridge Bay.

  • Duration: 1h 27m 22s

     #KIA40 Celebration and Nunavut Day Music festival

  • Duration: 14m 51s

    Program name: Qaggiq
    Qaggiq (Gathering Place) was a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Noah Tiktaq

  • Duration: 14m 16s

    Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.


    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • Duration: 13m 29s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 14m 19s

  • Duration: 21m 55s

  • Duration: 28m 54s

    Program name: Tohaknaak
    Producer: Cambridge Bay - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Ada Todd
    Location: Cambridge Bay

    Segment 1: Reporter Harry Maksagak interviews participants of the Regional Youth meeting in Cambridge Bay, N.W.T. (October 17-22 1986). This includes an interview with Alana Tylor, organizer of the meeting.

  • Duration: 14m 16s

     Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.


    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • Duration: 4m 6s

    Oleepa bakes Valentine dessert tarts. Uliipa niqiliuqtuq siirnaqtunik tamuassarnik.

  • Duration: 47m 18s

  • Duration: 14m 9s

     Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.


    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • Duration: 58m 8s

    Tohaknaak CB6-003 – 1990

    Program name: Tohaknaak
    Producer: Cambridge Bay – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Cambridge Bay, Nunavut

    Host: James Tologarnaq
    Interviewer: James Kavana
    Segment 1: The history of the Anglican Church in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Bishop Sperry talks about his travels to serve Inuit.

  • Duration: 14m 16s

      Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.

    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • Duration: 4m 47s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

  • 07:10 Drum Dance

    Duration: 19m 53s

    Producer: Arviat - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Arviat, Nunavut

    Segment 1: A variety of people drum while women sing ajaaja.

  • Duration: 11m 38s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 29m 47s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

  • Duration: 14m 11s

     Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.


    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • Duration: 5m 40s

    Program name: Qaggiq
    Qaggiq (Gathering Place) was a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Noah Tiktaq

    Segment 1: Joe Karetak talks about the programs they will be running at the Friendship Centre that was recently opened in Rankin Inlet.

  • Duration: 8m 1s

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Philip Patungayak

  • Duration: 26m 55s

    Program name: Takuyaksat
    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.
    Producer: Martin Qilak – Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Victor Qilulaaq
    Camera: Victor Qilulaaq
    Location: Baker Lake

  • Duration: 26m

    IBC Takuyaksat, Shamanism, Takunnaraksalirijiit, 1986, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Baker Lake 1986, Producer: Victor Qilulaaq, Martin Qillaq and Barney Pattunguyak, Host: Victor Qilulaaq. Inuktut.

    Segment 1: Angakkuksarniq (Shamanism) - this show is about shamanism and features different people are talking about it.

  • Duration: 29m 55s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

  • 10:02 Inuit Games

    Duration: 26m 1s

    Inuit Games - Honoring the Spirit of Our Past

    Video about Inuit Games, featuring Kitikmeot atheletes and information about the history of the sport.

     Runs 26 minutes.

  • Duration: 8m 13s





    Year of Production:

    Distributor Information:


  • Duration: 14m 15s

     Video series recalling traditional Inuit ways of life, using real footage of the Netsilik people of Kugaaruk in the 1960s, to illustrate the tales told by Tuktu, a fictional elder.


    Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.

  • 10:51 ALICE

    Duration: 4m 51s

    Alice is a strong advocate for the Inuinnaqtun language and traditional teachings. She speaks of how she has seen the northern climate change since she was young and how her parents taught her to care for her elders.

  • Duration: 13m 1s


    video & edit

    koolkiaq fonds/Joseph Quqqiaq Jr

    Drum Dance in Cambridge Bay,Nunavut.


    Kitikmeot Inuit Association Video

    The People of Cambridge Bay/Drum Dance.


  • 11:09 TOMMY

    Duration: 4m 31s

    Tom talks about how Kugluktuk has changed over the years, playing in the moonlight and trapping.

    This mini documentary was made in a three-day filmmaking program in Kugluktuk, NU. Young people in the community also made video poems and topical animations in a two-week film production program. 

  • Duration: 26m 53s

    Program name: Takuyaksat
    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Martin Qilak
    Camera: Martin Qilak
    Location: Baker Lake

  • Duration: 24m 10s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 2m 5s

    video & edit Joseph Quqqiaq Jr Taloyoak,Nunavut. Drum Dance Instructions by Jose Aguntingurnirq Kugaaruk,Nu.

  • 12:06 Inuktut Children's Programming | Drumming and ajaja - April 16 2004

    Duration: 4m 18s

  • 12:11 LAURA

    Duration: 5m 50s

    Laura speaks of learning to read Inuinnaqtun, the importance of education, sharing your knowledge and storytelling. She also shares a story of her own mother.

    This mini documentary was made in a three-day filmmaking program in Kugluktuk, NU. Young people in the community also made video poems and topical animations in a two-week film production program. 

  • Duration: 2m 41s

    A quirky animation in Tlingit, created with hand made puppets dancing to a catchy drum beat.

    Filmmaker: Doug Smarch

    Producer's Name: Our World

    Year of Production: 2007

    Distributor Information:



    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 28m 58s

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut
    Camera: Lukie Aingiliq
    Location: Rankin Inlet

    Segment 1: Men hunt for seals by boat, and catch one seal.

    Segment 2: Men fish with nets in the ocean.

    Segment 3: Arviat Festival – Accordion and fiddle players.

  • Duration: 26m 19s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 8m 2s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 3m 45s

    Joamie School students drum dance and sing songs. Nakasuk School students play outdoor games. Jumiup ilinniaqtingit qilaujjaqtut ammalu ingiqattaqsutik. Nakasuup ilinniaqtingit silami aniiqtitaujut.


  • 13:26 Documentaries | Northern Haze

    Duration: 8m 36s


    Filmmaker:Carol Kunnuk

    Contact:Norhern Haze

    Producer:  Carol Kunnuk and Derek Aqqiaruq

    Year of Production:2009

    Distributor Information: Igloolik Isuma production

    Country: Igloolik

  • Duration: 27m 50s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 27m 59s

    Program name: Qaujisaut

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