The Community

About the Community
The community has four names Kuujjuarapik (small great river in Inuktitut), Whapmagoostui (place of the beluga in Cree), Poste-de-la-Baleine (in French), and Great Whale River (in English).
Great Whale River is the northernmost Cree village in Quebec and the southernmost Inuit village located at the mouth of the Great Whale River on the coast of Hudson Bay in Nunavik, Quebec, Canada. The community has about 500 Inuit people and 800 Cree people and is only accessible by air and, in late summer, by boat.
Although the permanent cohabitation of Inuit and Cree at the mouth of the Great Whale River only goes back to the year 1950, the two nations have been side by side in this area for a very long time; Inuit close to the coast and the Cree more in the interior lands.
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