Canada's National Aboriginal Day Thought

I copied this from what is left of my former digital drum site which has gone thru major changes so that is defunct. Since it is abo day, here it is with addendum to follow after; Miigweech, Gils Kesla, O'Siem, Hiy Hiy : :-) Testimonial: Donald Morin, Métis performer, filmmaker, and [former] teacher at Vancouver's Native Education Centre, raised extremely important political and cultural questions about the indigenous media in today's "age of terror" and the use of film technology as a tool of resistance to capitalism. Donald theorized what he sees as a move from the age of mechanical reproduction towards an “age of technological authenticity.” Quotation from: Pam Wilson of and Michelle Stewart producers of the Global Indigenous Media panels and screenings at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference [March 2004] Atlanta. [Georgia, USA.] Artist Note: As we arrive to The Summer Solstice, We come upon the Government appointed Aboriginal Day (June 21st) so live life to the fullest, walk gently on this earth, if I can quote an International Indigenous Friend of mine. I as well remind myself about recent news avec AFN Chief, DIA's Valcourt, and other traditionalist comments about the current conditions of our people. Our street people here are struggling and dying, others in the new super jail, our women are being abused, and our children taken away, as another indigenous artist friend of mine mentions during Red Jam Slam " do we keep the government's greedy hands off our children..." Resonate Reconciliation is important, as the language of blood permeates in the air these days, as anger turns to hate, hate turns to violence, and bodies into dirt. If I can quote a filmmaker's recording of my ideas in 1995, "...Canada is not immuned to this chaos of discontent {At the time I was referring to the Kosovo War, and other terrorist situations abroad} IF recent news reports propagate opinions and possible scenarios pertaining to the potential actions of Canada's First People, as another Oka, Gusterferson, etc., then resonating reconciliation is of paramount importance and with dire urgency to initiate a just place to resolve conflict (Gawa Gyani: 91 -94 KJDC) and to finding balance between all of us in these final days of terror. The state and the media may continue to paint society and themselves as insecure and fear full, of enemies foreign and domestic, and Indigenous People as a constant threat on "their" way of life; so we must create resonating counter waves of information, media, dialogue and testimonials of what is happening out there on Mother Earth, and that love is stronger than hate, that men must stop abusing women, children, and others. Government and media will say that there has been positive changes in Native /Non-Native relations, education, cultural revitalization, economies, and political self-governance, but is that true? Is it news speak, double speak, or just rhetorical commentary to appease the media and give the taxpayers something to bitch about? It has now been almost 24 years since Oka, and over 50 years since the Wounded Knee Stand of 1973, and almost 10 years since I wrote NDNs IN the Age of Terror. As in life, we have two roads to potentially travel, the wide road of discontent or the narrow road of patience, love, and understanding. So at one time in my filmic life, I propagated "...guns and ceremonies side by side..., but whose to know where justices scores...") Are we in and creating New works of Social and Artistic works of Art/Cultural exchange in An Age of Cultural & Digital Authenticity, perhaps ideologically removed from Benjamin's notion of The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Who knows, are we creating change for the Moronic mass culture or our localized and nationalized communal state? SO how do we create small changes or massive changes in an Age of Terror and Surveillance, where the masses don’t care whether we lose our liberties, and privacy rights? Resonate...Reconciliate, shaping the sacred circle of life and grace. Have a great Solstice beginning! 2014: A year since I wrote those words, Has conditions changed for Canada's First People. I say adamantly no. TRC come to Edmonton, yet our people struggle, Redneck mentality exists and they don't care, People think Oil is the way to go, and don't mess with my livelihood, leave Alberta, etc, The pipeline is a snake that has been prophesied so the time is now to stand up and fight the system of decay Happy FU#%#%#KEN Abo day


21 June 2014


ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: DonaldMorinFilms-du Dammedia Creations