Baffinland Witness
Anyone who is interested in the Baffinland hearing process, or anything realting to the Baffinland Mary River project, should really follow this blog baffinlandwitness.com/.
Baffinland Witness is a blog by Ashleigh Gaul, a student of journalism at Ryerson University. As she says on her blog "While the project moves through the final stages of its review process before the Nunavut Impact Review Board, I will be talking to Inuit and non-Inuit throughout the region and posting their insights here. I hope my updates will outline, in a few vivid details, what it’s like to live in a region so important to Canada’s future, but which so few Canadians ever see...I am not paid for my observations. I have no editor or publisher and my opinions are entirely my own. I hope you find them helpful."
You can also follow her on twitter at twitter.com/#!/baffinwitness