imagineNATIVE Study on Indigenous Film

imagineNATIVE Study on Indigenous Film

imagineNATIVE Releases Study on Indigenous Feature Film Production

Indigenous Feature Film Production in Canada: A National and International Perspective Illustrates Growth Potential of Sector

To read the full report, please click HERE.

Toronto, 15 October 2013 – A new study examines the current state of Indigenous feature film production in Canada and demonstrates the potential for growth in this burgeoning sector of the nation’s film industry. Indigenous Feature Film Production in Canada: A National and International Perspective focuses primarily on dramatic feature film production during the five-year period to 2012.

This report documents the rise of Indigenous cinema worldwide and examines Canada’s public funding landscape, identifying barriers and significant opportunities for Aboriginal content creators in Canada.

Commissioned by the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, this report was researched and written by consultants Danis Goulet and Kerry Swanson. Funding was provided by the Ontario Media Development Corporation’s (OMDC) Research Grant Program and Telefilm Canada.

“We are at the threshold of something incredible,” says Jason Ryle, Executive Director of imagineNATIVE. “This report illustrates the great potential that exists throughout the country to tell stories that are uniquely Indigenous and uniquely Canadian. I extend my thanks to the artists and industry professionals who were interviewed for this study, and to our funding partners who made this report possible.”



22 October 2013


ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival