Sila Encyclopedia

Explore the sila encyclopedia, a great collection of current and archival images form the north
' . check_plain($atom_title) . '
'; $query = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_data' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $atom_id, $lang); $data = db_result($query); $data = explode(" ", $data); foreach ($data as $data_atom_id) { if ($data_atom_id) { $query = db_query("SELECT atom_type FROM sila_atoms WHERE atom_id = '%s'", $data_atom_id); $atom_type = db_result($query); if ($atom_type == 'image') { $print_image = '' . check_plain($result); } } else { $query = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_data' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $data_atom_id, $lang); $result = db_result($query); if ($result) { $print_text .= '
' . check_plain($result) . '
'; } } } } $query = db_query("SELECT dc_subject FROM sila_atoms WHERE atom_id = '%s'", $atom_id); $dc_subject = db_result($query); $dc_subject = explode(" ", $dc_subject); foreach($dc_subject as $subject) { if ($subject) { $new_subject[] = $subject; } } $dc_subject = implode("|", $new_subject); $query = db_query("SELECT atom_id FROM sila_atoms WHERE dc_subject REGEXP '%s' AND realm = 'encyclopedia' AND atom_type = 'collection' ORDER BY atom_id ASC", $dc_subject); $print_related = '' . t('Related Items') . ': '; while ($new_atom_id = db_result($query)) { $query2 = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_title' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $new_atom_id, $lang); $atom_title = db_result($query2); if ($atom_title) { $print_related .= l($atom_title, $_GET['q'], array('query'=>array('atom_id'=>$new_atom_id))) . ' . '; } } $print_related .= '
'; print '' . preg_replace('/&/', 'and', t($section_title)) . '
'; print '- ';
$query = db_query("SELECT atom_id FROM sila_atoms WHERE dc_subject REGEXP '%s' AND realm = 'encyclopedia' AND atom_type = 'collection' ORDER BY atom_id ASC", $section_keywords);
while ($atom_id = db_result($query)) {
$query2 = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_title' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $atom_id, $lang);
$atom_title = db_result($query2);
if ($atom_title) {
print '
- '; print l(preg_replace('/&/', 'and', $atom_title), $_GET['q'], array('query'=>array('atom_id'=>$atom_id))); print ' '; } } print '
- 217632 reads